Title: Chances Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: PWP Rating: NC-17 Summary: Once is chance, twice is a coincidence and third time is a pattern, even when it comes to Kibum's fingers brushing against Jonghyun's back. ( click. )
Simply, it's all about, well, chance. It's just luck (or Kibum's excuses, actually) trying to draw more of Jonghyun's attention to Kibum. They both know what's going on, but that doesn't stop Jonghyun from playing along, or Kibum from keeping it up.
I hope it's also clear that I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm a Christian myself, actually. I only went with the flow, writing what sounded good to me at that moment. It's just for fun, anyway.
I strongly disagree with that belief and way of thinking; from what I've been taught, God loves equally and unconditionally. Anyone that says differently has misinterpreted something, in my opinion, although I won't jump down their throat. I don't want this to get too serious or look like I'm preaching, lol, so I'll just leave it at that. Just know that I, at least, could not hate you for who you are :3
I hope it's also clear that I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm a Christian myself, actually. I only went with the flow, writing what sounded good to me at that moment. It's just for fun, anyway.
Thanks for reading :]
Well, I'm really close to your own age :]
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