Title: At Gunpoint 3/10 Pairing: Jonghyun/Key Genre: AU Rating: PG for this chapter Summary: Jonghyun's mind can't stop racing and the sun won't stop glaring into his eyes, when he almost runs over some kid with his bike. ( click. )
I've been thinking about that, yeah, but it's just that I'm trying to make everything fit. I'm still okay, but based on the vacation plans my parents have made, I won't have access to the internet every now and then for some days. So, basically, I tried half adjusting my summer to the fic and half adjusting the fic to my summer, lol.
I'll try and see if I could work some other schedule out, although I'm not promising anything ♥
I knew that was Jonghyun on the bike! But I just didn't want to think/analyze it too much.
You are doing fine actually more than fine. You are doing way beyond EXCELLENT! You have such an imagination and with details, I love it! :) I could just imagine myself in this story!
Minhooo! Why so serious huh! XD I hope all SHINee members are in here and somehow partake in this adventurous story!
They finally met! It's quite small but I just felt the tension or more like Jjong's shock at seeing Key/Kibum. I hope the next chapter they get to talk more or IDK. I'm just glad you updated!
Aww I think you are doing a wonderful job! And, second thoughts? About what? I find this fic to be awesome and its such a fun story to read! You have no worries because this fic is well-crafted and just amazing. You might think otherwise so but I like it.
Yeah, it's mostly details and the word count, but they still get under my skin big time. I don't hate it or anything, but sometimes I just think everything could have been done better. Then again, when do I not? lol
But thank you so much for your words, they mean a lot ♥
Comments 29
Thanks for reading :]
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You think so? I really would, but I've arranged my schedule so that I will definitely have access to the internet no matter where I go for vacation :/
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I'll try and see if I could work some other schedule out, although I'm not promising anything ♥
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Thanks for reading ♥
You are doing fine actually more than fine. You are doing way beyond EXCELLENT! You have such an imagination and with details, I love it! :) I could just imagine myself in this story!
Minhooo! Why so serious huh! XD I hope all SHINee members are in here and somehow partake in this adventurous story!
They finally met! It's quite small but I just felt the tension or more like Jjong's shock at seeing Key/Kibum. I hope the next chapter they get to talk more or IDK. I'm just glad you updated!
Minho always is srs bzns u_u
And yes, they very much did! Jonghyun's good at hiding, but he definitely was shaken, I'll have to say. Well, you'll have to wait and see! :3
For sure, I can't write like this! ♥
But thank you so much for your words, they mean a lot ♥
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No worries, will definitely continue!
Thank you for reading ♥
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