Jan 04, 2004 16:12
We just moved into our new apartment this month. We love it here. So far there has been only one issue, the downstairs neighbors. 2 gay bois who are extremely loud and RUDE as FUCK!
The concept that sound travels has escaped these 2. They don't get it and if they did, I don't think they'd care. Every conversation, no matter how routine, is filled with drama, over emphasis, and VOLUME. They scream at eachother like they're deaf. now to make things more fun, they cannot listen to their music at anything below 10... they have a TV in the bedroom, which they watch 'til 2 a.m. on a consistent basis... so now they're competing with the stereo or television and screaming even louder at eachother.
Now, I'm a very easy going guy. I prefer to let things work themselves out and or give ppl a chance at exercising some common courtesy. - I would much rather ignore them all together, but it's impossible. They sound like they're in the same room with you sometimes!
They had a fight on new years, just before we left (thank God we left), that got physical. Listening to this was hilarious and infuriating at the same time... these assholes are driving me FUCKING NUTS!
Last week, I couldn't stand it anymore. Around 1:00 a.m. - T.V. blaring, I snapped. What pisses me off is that I shouldn't have to get out of bed, walk down to this persons home, bang on the door, and ask him to have some respect. Plus I don't want to be the "Shusher"! Oh well... I about ripped our front door off the hinges, stomping down the steps mumbling to myself, I stopped for a second and tried to calm down. Gained some composure and knocked on the door. I introduced myself and was very civil. The conversation was very simple, direct, and non-confrontational. Neighbor :A: actually apologized and turned his T.V. down.
so that was last week. to good to last. This morning their stereo wakes me up. I get up and walk around a bit so they know I'm up. Doesn't matter. When I have to raise my voice to speak to someone in my home because of music from a neighbors home, that music is too loud, no? or am I just getting that old? Anyway, I'm heading back down to ask 'em to turn that shit down. I knock and am met with neighbor :B:.
OOOh and he's a firecracker! |insert| gay latino stereotype for mental image |/insert|
I ask him if he could turn his music down a little. He promptly says, NO. "it's not after hours, it's Sunday, and this is what I do!" "I'm listening to my gospel music!". Boppy club music may be gospel to you, but it isn't to me brother. I try to tell him that we're neighbors and we should try to get along. Doesn't phase him. He starts in about how he can hear us upstairs. So obviously Neighbor :A: bitched about our 1st conversation on T.V. etiquette and this prick has been waiting for me. Ok, what exactly do you hear from us? He starts getting pissy. I tell him, no, I seriously want to know, because if we're going to get along and be decent to eachother that's only fair. "I can hear you walking around...ummm... talking... moving furniture... OH and hav'n S E X!" I just stare at him. He starts in again, "it's not after hours. you don't ever hear me after hours." Ah, yes we do actually. "Well, I'm leav'n in 10 minutes. I'll turn the music off then and you can go do whatever it is you're doin." I ask him, so is that it? I mean honestly, I'm trying to be decent about this and I think we should try to get along. "yea, that's it. I'll be leav'n in 10 minutes. B Y E." He slams the door.
I'm not sure what to do at this point. I don't want to talk with either of them again... I'm not all together happy. I don't want to involve the manager either. This is stupid and should have been resolved already.
Life is too short for this shit. What is wrong with some people? I have no problem with someone wanting to listen to music or engage in any activity that makes them happy. It's your life. Do what you want. However, if said activity affects me and isn't making me happy, well, lets just tone it down a bit. That's not too much to ask you piece of shit!
Sooo, aside from a blanket party, what would you do?