Aug 19, 2006 13:55
disclaimer: yes, bill told me so. bill is always right. i did this to myself about a month ago, things are different/better now, but the rhyme is still worth transcribing:
my dearest distant missed friend sabrina
here's a rhyme from our sponsor athena
goddess of wars and guillotina
right now dreaming of time maschina
to put the house back before katrina's
step-sister of emotion and explosions of commotion
i am adrift in an odiferous ocean
of his lies and my erroneous devotion
listen to the tape as i hit the slow motion
i will raise my potion
if you hit me with a lime twist
for alcohol so appetizing
he poses as a feminist
to propel his womanizing
i fell for it hand over fist
without even realizing
now if i cease to desist
more of his demoralizing
when i finally got the gist
i had to stop my fantasizing
i'm the one who's been dismissed
she gets his romanticizing
i do not need an exorcist
for her recent demonizing
she tried to catch us in the midst
of our frequent carnalizing
she did and she's far too pissed
at present for her patronizing
which leaves me free to coexist
in peace and forms of hypnotizing
wiles, charms, and cunning consist
of spells for household harmonizing
seems he's got his own playlist
of his attempts at mesmerizing
which is why this lyricist
tires of this eulogizing
in that our friendship will be missed
thus i end such canonizing