To clarify my previous 'people suck' comment, read the article on the front page of
The Tuscaloosa News (free signup may be required)
"For a few lucky cats and dogs, the shelter is a temporary home before they find a permanent one.
But for the majority -- 75 to 80 percent of them -- this is their final stop.
The number of animals being dropped off at the shelter has steeply increased. Last month, 955 dogs and cats were left at the shelter. In just one day, June 24, 90 animals were left at the shelter.
The shelter can only hold between 230 to 250 animals and does not have enough room to accommodate the sudden influx of animals, especially since few people are adopting, said Hill.
That means 75 percent to 80 percent of the animals being taken in are euthanized.
Only two to three animals are adopted everyday, far fewer than the shelter takes in, Hill said. To make room, the shelter must euthanize the animals, starting with those that are sick, puppies and kittens that are too young for adoption and the animals that have been there the longest amount of time. In 2005, the shelter euthanized 5,227 animals."
I really hate euthanizing healthy animals. Its one thing to put down your dog who is old and is in alot of pain. But this.. I don't blame the shelter. I blame the irresponsible people who drop off their pets, and don't get their animals spayed and neutered..... So my friend Matt has dubbed the cat I found Larry. Larry has found a home at work temporarily... If it ever comes to he can't stay here, or I leave this position, I will take him home, I guess. We've all become attached to him. I need to take him to the vet this weekend.