Fic: Untitled (Frank/Gerard, NC-17)

Jun 25, 2007 13:32

So, you know how I always punk out at the sex? NOT THIS TIME! \o/

fizzyblogic gave me the choice between Frank/Gerard and Frank/Bob, and I went for Frank/Gerard! And then the first line I wrote was The first time Frank sticks his hand down Gerard's pants, Gerard's not actually aware of it. and about 200 words in, I was all "Oh wait! Shit! This needs porn! :/ :/"

Anyway! Here it is, my first ever NC-17 ficlet. XD I am so ridiculously happy with this, I had to post it seperately! Hope you don't mind, Jay!

Frank/Gerard || 721 words || NC-17 || for fizzyblogic

The first time Frank sticks his hand down Gerard's pants, Gerard's not actually aware of it. Not in the strictest sense of 'awareness' of course, because it's a little difficult to have hands down your pants and be completely unaware of it. Unless you're stoned or completely smashed maybe. And nowadays, Gerard is neither, ever.

But, we're getting off track. So, that first time, Gerard's not very aware of it, in the beginning anyway. One minute he's having a perfectly enjoyable dream (something about pine trees) and the next there are nimble fingers tugging his cock and a hand on his mouth, muffling the sounds he hadn't even known he was making.

It's not really dark in the bunk, maybe a little gloomy, but light enough for him to be able to identify the person the hand belongs to as Frank. He opens his mouth to ask what the hell is going on, but Frank shoves his fingers inside as soon as he can and then leans forward to nip at Gerard’s neck and earlobe, whispering dirty things in Gerard's ear while speeding up his strokes. Gerard, in response, groans a little and throws his head back, deciding on priorities of "orgasm now, questions later."

Except, the moment he's come, Gerard's treated by the sight of Frank licking come off of his fingers, winking and then slipping out of the bunk. He blinks a little, yawns a little and then post-orgasm fatigue hits him and he's sleeping soundly again soon.


The second time Frank sticks his hand down Gerard's pants, though, Gerard is aware of it. It's completely different from the first time in the way that Frank's got Gerard pushed up against the wall of his hotel room, his lips hot on Gerard's jaw before unbuckling Gerard’s belt and working his hand inside.

(After last time, after he'd woken from his post-orgasm nap, things had only been slightly awkward in the sense that whenever Frank mock-groped him then, it got more and more difficult for Gerard to not think of fingers drawing circles around the head of his cock and soft whispers in his ear, strings of “want you”, “so gorgeous”, “want to suck you off”, and “need you to fuck me, hard and rough”.)

Gerard’s head thunks against the wall behind him and he stifles a loud groan. He’s breathing heavily and biting his lip, desperately trying to not make sounds loud enough for people outside of the room to hear.

“So hot,” Frank pants, tightening his fingers around Gerard’s cock, “You look so hot right now, you have no idea.” He’s grinning, a little smugly.

“Frank.” Gerard gasps and he clasps his hands behind the back of Frank’s head, mashing their open mouths together. Frank moans in Gerard’s mouth and withdraws his hand from Gerard’s pants to grab a fistful of his shirt and drag him to the bed.

They stumble a little, but then Gerard’s lying on his back on the bed, still breathing heavily and his lips red and swollen while Frank’s unbuckling the rest of his belt and pulling his jeans and boxers down his legs in one smooth motion.

Gerard’s achingly hard, pre-come leaking from the head and for a moment he’s a little embarrassed, lying there wholly exposed while Frank’s staring at him. But then Frank swoops down and takes Gerard in his mouth. His mouth curves around Gerard’s cock and a long string of incoherent curses escape Gerard. Frank waits a moment, before swirling his tongue around the head and moving down, his hand clutching the base. Gerard slings out his arm and smacks the alarm clock off of the nightstand, a loud groan rumbling deep in his chest.

It doesn’t take Frank long to get Gerard off. He deep throats once, twice and then Gerard’s moaning his name and flailing his hands a little, and Frank’s swallowing a mouthful of come. He crawls up and nips at Gerard’s collarbones and jaw line while tugging on his own cock in his jeans. A few sure strokes, and he’s collapsing on top of Gerard, tucking his face in the curve between his neck and shoulder.

“I don’t usually put out on the first date, you know.” Gerard mumbles against Frank’s hair.

He can feel Frank’s lips against his collarbone as he laughs.


Thank you to onlysayitonce, bribitribbit, jazzyjello and megyal, for listening to me flail about, y'know, porn! XD Despite the fact that the first 3 aren't even IN bandom! <333

My icon is hilariously appropriate! XD

frank/gerard, bandslash, my chemical romance, fic

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