Fic: I knew you when I first met you

Sep 22, 2012 19:39

In retrospect, I was on the worn out, tired-all-the-time of being sick with bronchitis, so I probably should have just waited and posted late. I'm not happy with the first of what was supposed to be a three-section fic. It was supposed to be first section = Red Alert & Inferno meet Firestar; second section = Prowl meets Cliffjumper; third section = Cliffjumper meets Jazz. Somehow reminiscence about Prowl meets the twins made it in, which was okay because it helped with the third section. But the first section didn't really work out they way I wanted it to, and in retrospect I probably should have deleted it. Oh well

jazz, transformers, prowl, twins, series: watching, fanfiction

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