OOC - Order of Clarity ... back to basics

Oct 27, 2009 09:50

I'm returning to acting Knight Commander of the Order of Clarity (thanks Bleys!). Since it didn't seem fair to nab it uncontested from Ethan who's not around to argue, I've kept "Acting" in there.

I'm hoping to go back somewhat to the Order of Clarity's roots as arbitrators, peacemakers, auditors, etc. See these links for ideas of where I'm hoping to head at the moment:


Any big departures from this I'd be running past Bleys as the IC patron (and OOC propco, so far as I know).

Painted yourself into a political corner and wondering how to get out? Give me a shout! Unless of course the two parties cordially loathe each other OOC (don't call me then, as my goal's usually to generate play between the parties, not Fix Stuff -- continue your regularly scheduled silent treatment of one another...).

Also, if anyone can shed light on the shenanigans the Order of Clarity got up to in my absence, I'd love to see logs, or synopses, or any clues. I understand feathers were ruffled, IC, and having to RP the Order of Clarity's way back to a trusted position is fine with me -- if I know what we've done.
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