Prompt challenge

Aug 01, 2023 23:22

Hi guys!
I saw this prompt list somewhere ( I forgot where ) before and I would like to give it a try.

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personal, prompt challenge

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Comments 2

fic request chemistrykim August 26 2014, 10:27:28 UTC
Hi idk if this is the right way to request for a fic... but i want a taemin/luna fic "050. lie" or "042. attention"


Re: fic request fiaire December 17 2014, 06:20:49 UTC
I'm very sorry omg I don't write anymore huhu (although I recently posted something I've written more than half a year ago just because haha if you like to check it out it'd be really nice of you) but thank you so much for reading my past works. God bless and happy holidays! :)


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