Creating a Warp for a Warp-Weighted Loom

Feb 25, 2011 23:41

1.  Pick a location where a short tablet-weaving band can be securely attached, with enough space on one side to accommodate a length of warp, wrapping around a post or other object (to separate the two parts of the warp).

2.  Warp up 6-8 tablets, alternating S- and Z-threading, with enough thread to weave a band the width of the desired warp plus enough to allow space for the tablet and twist build-up. Stretch them across the chosen location.

3.  Start the band with some waste thread, to establish the weave. You will be weaving with the tablets always turning the same direction (usually, away from the woven area).

4.  Take the thread intended to be the warp of the main project, and insert as weft so that the thread hangs out as a tail from the side that will accommodate the warp. Turn the tablets a quarter turn, and beat the thread in tightly,

5.  Take the thread down and wrap around the far post, then bring back to the woven band, and insert as weft, again. Turn another quarter turn, the same direction, beat tightly again, and bring the thread through, once more, leaving no loop on the side away from the warp "tail", beat and turn, and take weft/warp down and wrap around post, again.

6.  Continue weaving in this manner, leaving long loops of "weft" to be used as warp. When the band is long enough (the warp is the needed width), end the band with a thread long enough to secure the end in the main weaving.

7.  Tie the warp into bundles of approximately 8 threads each, keeping front warp threads separate from back warp threads. Use enough ties to keep threads under control.

8.  Secure warp band to warp rod with thread.

Attach warp rod to cloth bar, lacing rope through holes.

9.  Assemble loom per other instruction set. Hang cloth bar in place.

10. Chain up warp so that it will not hang on the ground.

11.  Attach weight bags to warp bundles, so that weights clear the ground.

12.  Knit heddles onto heddle bar, in pattern needed for selected weave.


13.  Chain together weights, to keep them in correct positions.

warp-weighted loom

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