Anime yays and nays

May 31, 2009 20:49

Kamen no Maid Guy, definite yay. Fucked up in a good way, with the title character being an 8 foot tall Sabertooth (first X Men movie version) in a maid dress and mask made from the frilly French maid headgear.

Gantz. NAY. Crapsack worlds full of dysfunctional assholes can be fun (see Evangelion) but this doesn't even have a decent soundtrack... and it looks like Every. Other. Damn. Anime. out there nowadays.

Oh yeah, and on top of being dysfunctional, the main character and his friend are such wusses they can't climb out of a subway track and the wall doesn't even come to shoulder height!... with an oncoming train!

Gantz Abridged is funny though.

Trying to work on Mnemosyne, although I'm now running into a new problem. More and more stuff is being encoded in h.264 (which runs like crap on my XBox and Macbook) instead of Xvid. Supposedly the visual quality is better but I can't tell the difference, and if it runs like a slideshow that sorta defeats the point.

Theoretically I could re-encode, but the subtitles are softcoded (the files are .mkv containers) and Media Encoder doesn't want to add them in no matter what settings I use.

Hell, for the file sizes involved they might as well just have the original ISOs/VOBs if they want separate audio/subtitle tracks.
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