.. on a bicycle!! I'm not dead. Hey kids it's me, the internets no. 1 person on the internet called
fia5co, not that anyone remembers who I am anymore because my posting schedule accidentally flew up shit creek last year. It was a terrible tragedy of epic proportions as I failed to document some incredible things that happened to me. Unfortunately I can't remember a single one of them because I spent most of the year drunk after the ceiling in my room collapsed and I was trapped in the blood and rubble for three months and had to eat a pile of dirty washing to stay alive.
Fortunately I escaped in time for Christmas and had a magical season of peace and goodwill back in ye Olde Bristol Towne. I ate solidly, more then three times my own body weight and now intend to turn all of that rippling fat into rippling muscle as soon as I can get up off the sofa without keeling over and suffering major heart palpitations. Other then that, I can only report that things are pretty much the same. I am still in the same lovely job, still in the same lovely house (parts of which are still standing) and still have the same flashbacks to Flanders and the rain and the shells and the mud and the indescribable horror and so many sweet young lives snuffed out before they had a chance to shine.
Anyhooo I'm feeling highly optimistic about this year, in much the same way as I felt this time last year before my room imploded and everthing went to shit. However, now I have literally countless exciting ambitions and pet projects and am quietly confident that this is the year I'll make one hundred million pounds before June and be able to afford that money suit I've always dreamed of. So I hope you all had a rather spiffing Christmas and that whatever stupid godforsaken year this actually is'll hold plenty of magic and wonder, and tons of cold hard stinking cash for all of us. I'll be back to update again in hopefully under six months, so until then lets just all pretend that none of this ever happened. Doo do do do doo dooooo! NONE OF IT!!