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Jan 09, 2006 04:00

Oh noes it's another thrilling year for me to live through. Christmas is over, I'm back in Port Portsmouth and even worse, back at work, right now, errr working. Not that I can complain in anyway as Xmas was pretty damn fun. Going home sorted out my messed up head a treat and just about every day was spent either full of food, drunk in a pub or running round and round a forest in the dark in subzero temperatures. All of those lazy cold Christmas days and forests have put me into some sort of excited and resolutely optimistic phase for the coming year and I'm just generally going to wing everything and have a good time regardless. I'm through with moaning and feeling shoddy man! Somehow I'm going to shine this year and if that involves setting myself on fire in public, then I am totally up for it.

Wooo so that's a good start. It's nice to be back too and I can tell the fates are smiling on me because I immediately caught some sort of hilarious dysentry thing from Portsmouths crappy water supply that, I discovered, is actually pumped directly from the Solent to our taps via a huge tank full of decomposing rat carcasses. Due to this I'm switching to exclusively drinking bottled beer for the rest of the year. Other resolutions I have just made up, include going out and visiting people a lot more. In fact I have just got back from a weekend in London with Doctor_Slash which was totally full of bottled beer, pubs and war museums. Just these small acts of catching lots of trains and looking at tanks has armed me with renewed confidence and a fighting heart and I possibly may even be persuaded to leave the house again before the year is out.

So everything is good again. Whatever the coming year holds, riches, fame, sudden violent death or just endless days of playing City of Villains in my pants while stoned off my nuts, I am sure it will all be awesome. And if all else fails I can always dig a trench in the back garden and sit in it all night drinking bottles of beer and pretending I'm a paratrooper. Good luck in '06 everybody. God willing, I'll see you in the assembly area. Hang tough.
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