Now Hiring...

Aug 23, 2007 21:50

FYI - Severus Snape is looking to 'hire' help with the Viewer project for Finnigan's. He will soon be working full-time and more at Hogwarts, plus his potions-commitment to the werewolf clinic and Remus' pack. It would be unrealistic to assume that he would be able to also have time to manufacture complex magical devices and the necessary potions component as well.

He's also not bloody likely to 'allow' anyone else to 'take over' manufacturing of the thing now that he's got a 'contract'. heh.


He's NOT advertising for this position at the moment because he's a paranoid bastard who doesn't trust anyone. If you, as a Mun, are interested in having your character be a part of this project, finagle your way into the notice of any of the folks who are part of the project so that they can 'refer' your character to Severus.

As this project is not 'secret' by any means, and does not directly have public connection to the clandestine werewolf-clinic stuff, he will not be horribly picky about the political/moral leanings of potential employees. However, he will insist on a magically binding and very strict 'noncompete clause' because of his commitment to Finnigan's, and he will be very exacting as to absolute and total perfection of the work itself. (Not a place for Neville Longbottom, for example! *grin*)

Characters with a history of excellent marks in Potions and Ancient Runes will be preferred. Characters willing to put up with Snape's pissy attitude and exacting standards even more so. LOL

Snape is already established as being willing to 'hire' and work with werewolves, Death Eaters and all manner of 'undesireables', so don't rule yourself out (unless you are Katie Bell and/or have a burning need to call him "Severus" to his face without his express permission to do so! LOL)

Seamus Finnigan, Hannah Abbot, Dean Thomas, Aurin Helm, Juneau Connors and Ginny Weasley all know of Snape's involvement in the manufacturing process and also that he will soon be needing additional 'staff'. Cozy up to one of these guys and get yourself referred if you want to be 'considered' for the job(s) - I figure he'll probably hire several people, depending on Fuji's intention for speed/scope of expansion for the need of the actual viewer-devices.

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