Mar 18, 2007 10:37
Now that the initial flurry of Anniversary posting has subsided, it is my pleasure to renew the monthly Thread Rec posts with a 'special edition' for the First Anniversary of Fiery Inception.
What's so special about this edition? Well, ladies and gents, this is to be the monster of all thread rec posts. For this edition, I come to you, not asking for your favorite threads of the month, but your favorite threads ever. It's been a fantastic first year for this game. From rebuilding to wanton vandalism, feuds to love affairs, the plotlines have remained varied and on-going. There are plots in-play now that have their roots in threads posted during the first week of gameplay.
So, for this edition of the Thread Recs Posting, we invite you to go back through the last year and pick out your favorite moments, the threads that define Fiery Inception when you talk about it with others, the stories that have stayed with you. They can be your own threads, threads you just couldn't help reading, threads from last week, last month, last Spring. It's time to break out those bookmarks and memories y'all keep talking about keeping in past editions and remind us of all the good stuff we've shared as writers and readers.
What's in a rec? Give us the title of the thread and link us to the thread so we can read it ourselves. Tell us who's in the thread and what it's rated. Then, tell us what you liked about it, what drew you in, what your favorite line was, whatever the reason was that you included this thread on your list. There's no limit to the number of threads you may rec. You may rec your own threads or someone else's.
Thank you all for a fabulous first year and a great start on the second one!
thread recs