Jan 02, 2012 16:16
Ugh, after like, what, a year? I'm finally working on completing a runthrough of Fallout New Vegas. I need to look up the Achevement Hunter guide again for where all the snowglobes are, cause it's been waaaaaaaay too friggin long. I got all of the DLC's when they were 50% off for the holiday sale.
Fallout means some strange ass nightmares. Deathclaws, man. They get me every friggin TIME. I was walking around Sloan, and I never caught the part about there being a Deathclaw Alpha and Deathclaw Mother strolling around, so they caught me by surprise. A very painful, bloody, surprise.
Also those scary ghost people in Dead Money! Hate having to run up close the melee them! I'm a sniper, dammit! Which means I hide in small places and kill you from afar! Camping IS a legitimate fuckin strategy, as I used to explain to my mother when we played Goldeneye! (Which is why she always made us play Slappers Only.)
Also, new Sherlock! Soooooooo excited!
Sherlock's spent over 10 minutes wondering around in nothing but a bedsheet.
Waston: Are you wearing pants? (as in underpants)
Sherlock: ...No.
*Mycroft walks in*
Mycroft: Sherlock Holmes, we are in Buckingham Palace. Put. On. Your. Trousers.
Sherlock: MYCROFT. GET off my sheet!
Irene Adler is a a professional dominatrix in this version, but she's built like a friggin 10 year old boy. They were trying to do like, an alluring full frontal tit shot, with her dressing gown barely covering her up, but there was no need for a robe. NOTHING. AT. ALL. A piece of scotch tape and she'd be covered up enough to go on a stroll. She'd need breast implants to get to an A cup.
Oh, and then she wondered around completely naked. Still built like a 2x4.
So not impressed. I hope she get's locked outside and freezes her tiny tiny nips off.
The fangirl in me wants to say she should keep her very small non-breasts away from Watson's boyfriend. So there. I did.
[game] fallout,
[show] sherlock