26 DECEMBER 2012.
Today, 6 years ago in 2006, Katherine the Great blared out RISING SUN in her car as we cruised Canberra. I fell so far in love with that song and it was so unexpected because I was so deeply Japanese biased at that point.
Then, she showed me her TOMORROW777 photobook and I knew I was going to be in love with that kid in the middle with the long, lucious black hair for a very long time.
I am still here and I doubt I could ever leave.
I love you Kim JaeJoong. You've added so much depth to my life, given me so many lessons (many of which I wish I didn't have to learn), and all I wish now is that you find happiness. <3
And now to er....celebrate my 6 years with JaeJoong in 'style'. (Oh we're all full of classy over here. XD)