Dec 15, 2005 11:31
I was in a car, in the back seat, driving to who knows where. I herd a baby crying in the front, and the faceless person in the passenger seat handed me two babies. One was a large, healthy size, while the other was sized proportionaly to have been the child of the first baby. I wasn't surprised, or shocked, but felt a need to cater to the needs of the crying child. The smaller was the one crying, while the larger cradled it. In desperation, it handed the smaller to me, and the second it passed to my hands, I could feel it's heart beat. The baby cried louder and louder, though all my efforts to soothe it. I felt it's heart beat slow, and it's crying weakened. The petite life died in my hands. I couldnt cry. The other baby reached it's hands out in tears to cradle it's dead child, in efforts to try and bring it back to life. Crying and whaleing was all that could excape from the cild, as I held it close, trying to comfort it in it's loss.
I could feel it's heartbeat now, too. I could do nothing, but feel it's heartbeat slow and die out. I clenched the child, holding it close, in my own efforts to bring it back. The faceless passenger seat occupand turned back and took the two away. I fell into the seat next to me and began to cry for the first time while I gripped my chest in pain. I was overwhelmed with grief and fear. I clenched harder and harder at my chest. I woke up with my heart racing, and my right hand dug into the center of my chest. I all but screamed in my fear and confusion. The marks from my fingers, which have no excess nail, were on my chest for the good part of that day. This dream was the worst experience of my entire life.