semi - friends only

May 24, 2020 00:00

To tell you the truth, I am really pissed off right now.

I have nothing against people stalking my journals for fandom updates. But you see, there's a limit to everything. I'm not a sociable person. I choose the fans I befriend because I'm an exclusivist-elitist-selfish bitch. I just don't believe that everyone who claims to be a fan deserves to be called and be recognized as one. It's because of people like them that idol groups / singers / entertainers get degraded.

So to protect my boys, I'm making all my fandom entries private. If you like what I write about them, leave me a comment and I'll consider adding you to my friend list.

To the person who made me decide to do this:
No matter how hard you try, you'll never pass my standards. I will never acknowledge you even if you follow me wherever I go. Stop trying already, because you'll never be like me.

=[ x-ces ]=
Just so there would be no misunderstandings...
If you're already part of my contact list in multiply or my friend list in livejournal, then you're not the one I am referring to.
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