
Sep 02, 2008 13:56

Well I was gonna wait till I found out if I'm going to school or not before I post this but fuck it.
I'll talk about other stuff then.

Such as: (big headline)
Mrs. Sarah Palin, the (no longer presumptive) vice presidential candidate for the Republican Party!
The Republican party, that should tell you enough. But I shall digress, let's go into some personal positions on the platforms:

-no abortions for rape and incest victims. Only to save the mother's life. Not even to save the grandmother's campaign.
Yea that's right, it's true Gov. Palin's unmarried 17 year old is expecting. If that's not a  reason to celebrate I don't know what is. They really should be proud of it, having a candidate going through some of the struggles average Americans go through. Reminds me of Michael Moore's "Prayer to Afflict the Comfortable" theory, that politicians (Repubs in particular) start to actually care about issues when shit happens to them. Take the Bush admin's slight anti-gay attitude regression when one of Cheney's daughters came out. Of coarse having a baby when your mom is the Governor isn't really that much of a struggle, at least compared to normal cases of teen pregnancy. It will at least make her look hypocritical for her conservative Catholic views.

-Drilling in the Arctic
Being a big supporter of Big Oil, with her husband working for BP, she really wants to drill for oil in the Alaskan Wildlife Reserve. She's real enthusiatic about getting those big drills in the polar bear's national wildlife refuge. What more should I say? It's been a back-and-forth issue in American politics, but then again, so was Vietnam (in retropsect)

-Capital Punishment
'Cause one bad deed surely deserves another. Death to rapists! Death to murderers! To quote Palin, "We have a right to know that someone who rapes and murders a child or kills an innocent person in a drive-by shooting will never be able to do that again." And of coarse we do that by...
gun control? Surely not! Palin is also a long-time NRA member. No, don't take the guns away, just kill the people who..
kill other people!

-Creationism vs. Evolution
Palin supports teachign of both theories, and open debates.
Hey, sounds like a compromise to me, I wasn't there when the universe was created.

-Kron bon?
No! Though she has done it before apparently.

-Sex education
Abstinence only! Gee, having a pregnant daughter isn't even enough to convince her how dumb that is!

As I said earlier, she really hates polar bears. She actually sued the Interior Department to get them off the endagered species list.
Oh, and she wants to set up a program for killing wolves, in order to make it easier to hunt moose.

Well that was exhausting.

Teh Repulbican party's official stance on environmental action is to enact changes that do not "orce Americans to sacrifice their way of life or trim their hopes and dreams for their children." It's nice to live in a fantsy world where all problems go away easily.
Obama lives in a similar one. He wants to "invest in clean-coal technology, and find ways to safely harness nuclear power."
Sounds like a job for...
Like honestly, being a black president getting elected, ok I can sdee that happening. But clean coal, and safe nuclear power? Sounds he really does have a dream.
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