More about the Weeping Angels BDE

Mar 06, 2008 10:25

Okay, now that we have an idea of the sorts of numbers we're dealing with, it's time to outline in more detail what's going to be happening for this BDE. A list of victims will go up in the next post, and we'll be asking you to make some choices as well as nominate for groups. There will also be a further post on the safehouses, with more details, and specifics about how this is all going to work from an organisational/posting standpoint.

All About The Victims

The victims will be sent back to five different times and places, in groups of six. This will happen over the course of the week, so there might be two on the first day, none on the second, one on the third, etc etc. The members of each group will land in the same spot, so they can be easily located.

Each of those groups will arrange for a letter to be sent to the Principal/the Mayor/someone else who will pass it on to one of them in the present, which, because of the nature of Fandom's postal service (anywhere, any time/any dimension), will be delivered. This will alert the island to:
-the fact that the angel statues have something to do with the victims disappearing
-when and where they are.

The letters will all arrive on Wednesday, no matter when the victim groups decide to send them. Time travel is good like that.

The six in each place will come together and figure out how to survive where they are. There will be opportunity to interact with NPCs, to mod your own NPCs, and generally scope for the six to interact with each other and with their environment. More detail on how these posts are going to work will be forthcoming - we don't want to overload you all with too much at once.

We need a sub-set of the victims - these are people who will still be alive in 2008, having lived out their life from the point in time they were deposited in, or have died leaving a message/work behind to be found. More on this below.

It is from these people that our away teams will get the facts about the angels. One fact from each group (from either the person still alive or from the group's work) and when they put them all together, they will know all about the angels and how to stop them.

The Away Teams

Yup, teams! Everyone who volunteered (except those who are victims, obviously!) will go out in set teams, all over the globe, chasing rumours. These rumours will be found by the research team - not from books, though, from the internet and old newspaper periodicals, and that info will guide the away teams.

Each will find either one of the victims - old, old, old but alive - or the work they've left behind (there may be scope for a museum break in, or a National Treasure type puzzle necessary to retrieve the information).

They will then either bring back, or call with, the information needed to understand and beat the angels, depending on when it is found out.

There will be a full timetable of the BDE coming up in the next few days.

Optional off-screen handwaviness

Because a lot of this involves time travel, much of the work will happen off-screen. The victims will live out full lives from their point in the past, and some of those will devote their life to discovering the secrets of the angels. Obviously, this can't be played out, but the victims can feel free to make up a life that they lived which the away team can find out about when they talk to the old victim or find the information.

This is absolutely NOT REQUIRED. It is just a bit of handwavy silly fun that anyone who wants to can indulge in, and some key points might be passed on to the away teams.

There are going to be some limitations on this, which we will be covering in a further post, but feel free to start thinking about that if you want - just use your common sense. Nothing that would change history in a major way, nothing that would have a huge impact on the time lines.

The Blinkers and Teleporters

On Sunday morning the Teleporters will wait at an agreed spot in the Preserve, while the Blinkers, in teams of two, lure the angels in. Because the blinking is going to be quite stressful, and they cannot risk any of the Blinkers being taken, the Blinkers will work in relay teams, the teams set up along the route to the point in the Preserve. (More info on the relay teams coming up in the next few days).

In order to keep the finale from taking four million years to play out, because people do have to sleep sometime, we will be using OCD for the relay teams. Each team's relay will be limited in number of pings (similar to three minute dates).

Once the angels are brought to the Teleporters, the last relay team will move shoulder to shoulder in an outward facing circle around our Teleporters.

Then, each Teleporter will grab (whether physically or mentally) a number of the Blinkers, and, at a signal, they will all teleport out at once. This will freeze the angels forever. Yay!

This means those who have volunteered to be the Telporters, while having a significant role to play in the finale, don't actually have much to do. If you want to pull your Teleporter out, you are free to do so.

That's great, but what about all the dead/old victims?

This is where we get to really play with time travel. Because the Fandomers know where everyone ends up, they can send a message back to them, through time, telling them they all have to make their way to a certain place.

That place? Is the first generation of a stasis experiment, chrono-freezing people so they can wake up in the future. Handwavy inquiries will have revealed that it is still functioning now, in 2008. The message will be sent back once the angels are defeated.

Then our Rescue Team (which will be made up solely of adults), will head off to the stasis place, to see if the victims are there, not knowing if the victims got the messages, found their way there, if they will be alive in the stasis boxes.

But they all will be, yay! And then the rescuers can bring them back to Fandom.

Some of the victims obviously will have aged before they made it to the stasis box. It is up to you how much, if at all, but we are going to place a max limit of two years on this.


Just to expand on the above, and apologies if this is at all brain breaky, the outcome of this will be two separate realities - or to borrow from Pratchett, two trouser legs of time.

In one, the victims lived out their lives from the point they were sent back to, discovered all about the angels, and passed that information by various means to the away teams in 2008.

In the other trouser leg, the people in 2008 used that information to defeat the angels and stop the victims from being stranded in that time.

The information that the away teams learned about the lives that the victims lived in the first trouser leg will slowly fade from their memories. Any physical material they gathered will find its way to Special Collections and stay there.

Yes, it's a paradox, but we really recommend you don't think about it too much - we're not responsible for any headaches.

Questions/comments are so very welcome, and there are more posts to follow in a minute!

bde, weeping angels

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