Feb 01, 2009 10:22
You know, I was thinking recently. And I was all, "Hey, you know what it's been roughly six months since we've done? Three Minute Dates." So let's do that on February 14th. That's right, if your character doesn't have a date for Valentine's Day, all they have to do is sign up and suddenly they have FIVE DATES.
For those who either are unfamiliar with the way we roll with 3MD (or just need a refresher), you sign up in this post and then get paired with five potential love connections. The matched characters chat each other up for three minutes (that's approximately 10 comments, five for each person, give or take a couple if you need to wrap things up) and at the end of the night you'll have a chance to meet up to discuss their future together, possibly involving many babies.
Adults and students are both welcome to sign up, although teachers and students will not be paired together. Students and townies may be, but only in the case of really unbalanced lineups. A strong effort will be made to match people based on their sexual preference, but I can't make any promises beyond "I'll try to make it work."
So, if you're interested, please leave a comment to this post with your character's name and sexual preference. Comments shall be screened unless somebody has a question. Those will be unscreened as I answer them. Signups will be open until Tuesday, February 10th. If you sign up but later find out that you can't make it for whatever reason, please do your best to give me a head's up by the afternoon of Friday the 13th so I can tweak the pairings before the post goes up so people don't get stranded.