It's Been a Long Time, Very Long Time.

Aug 13, 2006 22:33

I have not updated this in what seems like, forever. SO summer came and is almost gone, which so sucks. SO here i go:
~I took my senior pictures last weekend at the beach =D I'm SO excited to see them!
~Um, my finger boo boo is almost healed!
~Saw World Trade Center... i dont even know what to say. Obvious tear jerker. Just, go see it!
~ I went golfing today for the first time. I mean real golfing at a nice course and the whole shebang! I LOVE driving golf carts. And i sucked.HAHA. Most def. the worst one there.
~ I redecorated my room and moved my sisters junk outta there! It's such a sweet hangout place now!
~ "I'm on a Hill" and only because " It's happier than a ditch." UGH! I hate being frustrated.
~ Summer is going by way too fast. = (
~ I wanna have a scavenger hunt. But a cool one where you have to do crazy things n' stuff. yeah, i need to get on that. If anyone has good ideas/ wants in...let me know!

~I cannot find my lyric book. I'm beyond upset. It something that i cant replace or redo because it just wouldnt be the same.

~I'm going to the SNOWPATROL concert in 2 days! =D
~ I LOVE Nickelcreek. Especially the song "Can't Complain"
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