Apr 03, 2006 08:21
What an afternoon last night.
We started out on the trek, and I was doing ok, but after about an hour, our guide told us that it was going to, as he put it, 'Bad storm,' so we headed back to Darjeeling.
Thank god that we did.
I have never in my life seen that much lightning come down. The rain was almost monsoonal (is that a word?). I had a shower to wash off the muck, and BOOM, the power goes off. So I'm cold, wet and nekkid, groping around for the candle that I laughed at when I first saw in the bathroom.
I was going to go out and meet them for dinner, but decided not to get soaked again.
Dinner was a romantic affair at the restaurant, me, some Sikkimese beer, and 12 middle aged German tourists.