Special Collections, Saturday Afternoon and Night

Dec 10, 2011 13:01

Special Collections had always been a peculiar place, and now that it was to be their home for the duration of... whenever... it chose not to change that. Those who had raced into it would find their world briefly a disorienting amount of purple light and flashes of lightning and books falling from an eternal above to a perpetual below--

--and then it spat them out in a cheery green field, surrounded by toadstools that reached far up above their heads and provided cover. Here and there were bags full of tent poles and tent fabric, just in case they wanted a roof above their heads, and bookcases stood randomly and haphazardly around the area.

There was even sign of a gingerbread house a mile or so off.

Still, Special Collections remained unpredictable, and behind any tree, toadstool or tent could lie a sudden plunge into unexpected adventure.

Just pay no heed to the occasional appearing, then disappearing black cracks in the walls.

[[ ocd up! have at! ]]

bde 2011 - the nothing, bde 2011

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