Washington DC: Museums

Feb 19, 2006 23:24

Make a thread here for whatever museum you would like to visit. Requested sites are listed below. If a thread gets too long, I may open a new post for that area.

Ping me if you have any questions.

Capital Building
Various Touristy places


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International Spy Museum oatmanspatient February 20 2006, 05:21:12 UTC


Re: International Spy Museum nadiathesaint February 20 2006, 14:24:42 UTC
If asked, Nadia wouldn't be able to explain why she was so excited to go to the International Spy Museum.

Well, she would be able to, but she sure as heck wouldn't want to.

She does seem to be just a little too focused and enthusiastic about memorizing the information for her chosen "alias" before entering into the museum proper.


Re: International Spy Museum lovechildblair February 20 2006, 15:58:45 UTC
Blair walked in after Nadia and looked around. "So where are you headed to first?"


Re: International Spy Museum nadiathesaint February 20 2006, 16:02:42 UTC
Nadia had been repeating the information from the boards in the first room to herself, and was startled to see Blair. "I think there's an introduction video." She pointed to the doors that were just opening as she spoke. "Better pick an alias quickly!"

[ooc: the International Spy Museum is actually a very directed experience . . . you take an elevator up from the lobby/ticket booth, then pick an alias, then go to the video, and then into the exhibit, which starts with spy tools and a chance to try crawling silently through an airduct and testing your spy skills. . . . then you wander through the other exhibits. just FYI]


Re: International Spy Museum lovechildblair February 20 2006, 16:10:39 UTC
Blair quickly read through the information and picked a alias. "You seem to be really into this. Have you been here before or something?"

[ooc: Thanks! Now I've looked up their website and am now having way too much fun playing "Whack a Mole"]


Re: International Spy Museum nadiathesaint February 20 2006, 16:14:51 UTC
Nadia shook her head, still repeating her alias information to herself. "No, I just like spies." She smiled at Blair and leaned in slightly and added sotto voce: "They're everywhere!"


Re: International Spy Museum lovechildblair February 20 2006, 16:17:09 UTC
Blair grinned, but looked around a little nervously. "As long as they're good spies. Are there good spies? Being all sneaky to protect the environment or something?"


Re: International Spy Museum nadiathesaint February 20 2006, 16:20:30 UTC
Nadia thought about it for a moment. "Some of them probably are. . . . But there'd be no point to having good spies if there weren't any bad spies. I think both kinds feed ducks, though. That's a good cover for when you have to meet with other spies."


Re: International Spy Museum lovechildblair February 20 2006, 16:24:42 UTC
Blair bounced. "Feeding ducks is a good thing! I think I like spies. Although whenever I watched movies they always seemed to be hiding behind a newspaper with two holes cut out for their eyes." He looked around. "Do you think they'll have any of those newspapers here?"


Re: International Spy Museum nadiathesaint February 20 2006, 16:27:16 UTC
Nadia shrugged. "If they used them, I guess they'll be here." She paused for a second then tilted her head. "Wouldn't you see the eye holes in the newspaper though? That doesn't seem very sneaky."


Re: International Spy Museum lovechildblair February 20 2006, 16:28:47 UTC
Blair nodded. "I didn't say they were good spies, just movie spies."

"Although two people walking around in trenchcoats and dark glasses feeding ducks would probably get noticed too."


Re: International Spy Museum nadiathesaint February 20 2006, 16:31:23 UTC
Nadia laughed. "You might be right." Then she remembered Blair chose Molly and stopped laughing as she tried to swallow something that seemed to have materialized in her throat.

But the throat thing had nothing to do with Blair and Molly, of course.

"So, let's practice. Name?"


Re: International Spy Museum lovechildblair February 20 2006, 16:37:11 UTC
Blair squared his shoulders and grinned. "Um...I forgot. How about Boris VonHausen. That sounds spyish." He paused and shook his head. "Or maybe it's too spyish! Maybe I should choose something all plain. Like Bagel."

"And your name, my non-spy friend?"


Re: International Spy Museum nadiathesaint February 20 2006, 16:40:24 UTC
Nadia shook her head. Blair would never make a good spy. "Tabitha Hardachre." She assumed an official stance and looked at Blair suspiciously, doing a wonderful imitation of a customs official. "And what is your final destination today, sir?"


Re: International Spy Museum lovechildblair February 20 2006, 16:42:55 UTC
"Probably prison." Blair mumbled and then spoke up complete with Russian accent. "I've come to feed zee ducks."


Re: International Spy Museum nadiathesaint February 20 2006, 16:47:20 UTC
Inside, Nadia was giggling hysterically. Outside, her expression remained stern and somewhat bored. "And where are you traveling from?"


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