[Automated broadcast on all TVs, radios, and computers regardless of usage or whether or not they are on; the channel changes with a sudden buzz of static (or a website automatically opens full screen and you can't do anything to close it) and the picture clears to reveal a grumpy looking older woman with a low voice that sounds like she smoked everyday since she was thirteen.]
Good morning Flamingo Heights! This is your Announcer speaking.
I hope you all had a damn pleasant New Years, because now you're stuck with me.
[She shuffles some papers and clears her throat, crossing her arms before her on the desk.]
I'm inviting you all to join me in a marvelous tournament held in this very city.
[She sounds unenthusiastic]
You may all be pitted against each other in a brutal battle of wits and courage the likes some of you have never seen before.
The winner, of course, will be rewarded -handsomely-.
Sign ups and all information will be at your local convenient store. I expect all of you to get up and take a trip down there TODAY or else you will miss your chance.
[She gives a strange wicked looking leer at the camera.]
It begins tomorrow!
[She slams her fist on the desk, now excited about the tournament, grinning broadly showing off all of her gritted teeth, a triumphant victorious expression on her face and then the screen turns blue, followed by a scrolling list of all the sign up booth locations.]
((Okay everyone, finally the event is under way. Today it's just a formality, introducing the event and giving the characters time to 'sign up' or be signed up. There are dozens of booths suddenly all over the city so your character is sure to see one sometime during their daily activities if they somehow missed the broadcast. Fliers and info packets will be supplied at the booth describing the rules and tournament.
And time for what you've been waiting for! The unveiling of the event! All that wondering and exciting lead up just for this very moment!
every one just signed up for a game of Laser Tag.
Yeah, you heard me right. XD A giant epic tournament of laser tag and here's how it works:
The city is split up into four sections, and each section will have ten people, since we had forty characters sign up total. These ten people will then be split into two smaller groups of three and one group of four.
The equipment and armor they are given are all very expensive and somehow made perfectly for the character they are given to.
The battles will take place every day for three hours. Half hour of preparation, one hour of game time, half hour of break, and another hour of game time.
Now, the rules are fairly simple. First, the player rules:
1) All of this was made as fair as possible and the winners were completely random, so please in all good fun, keep it polite. I know it's a big event, but not everyone could have won, and the winners may not be exactly reasonable considering their opponents, but it's supposed to be fun for everyone and it also allows people to be creative. So just have as much fun as you can.
2) This is going to be mainly thread logging with a turn based system, so please please please pay attention and try not to be away for a very long time. If someone doesn't post for a day and hasn't said anything about not being on for a little why, don't pester them: maybe they forgot or had an emergency. Just try to reach them on aim or send a message and calmly prompt them. If you can't think of anything to say, just leave an OOC comment telling the others you pass.
3) If your character is out of the game, there will be a break room section they can still stay in where they can talk to their team during preparation or break, but please don't have them on the field.
4) Try to post only in your allotted sections. If Character A is in section 4; group 2, then they shouldn't be hanging around in section 3 or with group 1. This will be more understandable when the thread logs are posted tomorrow.
5) Details of how the fight goes are left between the players. Like how a certain character beats another. All up to you. Be creative, be crazy. The landscape of the city itself will change slightly to aid the characters in the battle. All of it is completely up to mun imagination about what tools are around.
As for character rules:
1) No one is allowed out of their section until the game is over that day. Nor are they allowed to communicate in any way with another section until the game is over. It's only three hours. They can live. All communication lines will be monitored, including telepathy or private lines.
2) As such, no group can team up with a second group unless it is to overthrow the third group. Face to face verbal communication is the only type allowed.
3) Shots to the chest or head count as points against you. Three points to get a character out. The vests will change color depending on how many points a character has obtained. The announcer will report a character's status each day, too.
4) No power limits. Any property damage will heal each day when the game ends.
5) The only weapons inside the field will be the issued laser weapons, which come in all shapes and sizes suited for individual styles of battle. Any real weapons will be confiscated.
6) Remember: The Announcer is watching you. Any violation of these rules will be means for immediate disqualification.
A little notice for the muns: The Announcer is like, the ultimate godmod. She means business and will not hesitate to give a character the most humiliating disqualification ever. Luckily she's just here for the games and stuff. This also means she can actually give the winner an awesome reward, so she's definitely going to make this worth their while.
Speaking of winner's, they've already been decided. That's what the numbers were for. each section will have a winner, and one of those winners will be the grand prize winner. The section winners will have one wish to use on whatever they want, ala Genie; the grand prize winner will have three.
And while I do say anything, I do mean be reasonable. Some wishes may only be granted for a day or so, like 'King of Flamingo Heights'. So you may want to ask us what certain wishes may do.
I know this may be very confusing; it was difficult to get together in one place like this, so please ask questions if you don't understand something. I want this to be fun and it won't be if everyone is confused.
Sorry for the long post guys. ^^; Groups and stuff will be posted tomorrow. The games may last however long it takes, but for time's sake, I'll prolly post the next rounds two or three days after the first one, so nobody is waiting for like, ages.
Any question? :3