Student: Willow Rosenberg

Jan 09, 2006 17:00

Name: Willow Rosenberg
Age: 16
Year: Junior
Room/Place of Residence: 509
Phone: 555-WILL

What Do You Want From Life: Good grades, lots of books, and hopefully to help save the world

Name Three Things You Fear: Bad grades, frogs, and performing on stage.

Pretend You Are To Be Executed For Horrible Crimes, Describe Your Last Meal: Hopefully something that maybe I get to make so that I can try to say sorry for whatever it is I did that was so horrible. Which I'm sure I did not mean to do, and was probably a complete accident, and I promise I won't ever do it again. Otherwise, maybe pizza? And we can all pretend the pepperoni got on it by accident.

Describe Yourself in Exactly Thirteen Words: If I was exactly thirteen words I think I would be made up of some short words and some long ones. And I'd wonder how I could keep myself together with all those bumps, angles, and spaces. Oh! And I'd have interesting punctuation. Definite use of semi-colons.

buffy the vampire slayer, junior, student, fifth floor

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