8/30/2011 (Fandom Time): Twitter

Aug 30, 2011 15:13

Feed for Hashtag #warpedbyfandom

hastoolswilltravel: Kicked short green alien on instinct so it wouldn't bite my ankle. turned out to be new construction client. FML. #warpedbyfandom

itsbuttery: @hastoolswilltravel in your defense, their bite *is* venomous. wouldn't have resulted in a song & dance number tho #warpedbyfandom

hastoolswilltravel: had to give him my coffee to get him not to go with another firm. MY COFFEE. #warpedbyfandom

itsbuttery: @hastoolswilltravel That's just cruel and unusual punishment. speaking of punishment, today was a mud run day. http://twitpic.com/zkdsjf.jpg #warpedbyfandom

hastoolswilltravel: @itsbuttery Least you know showers will only spray water, not syrup. #warpedbyfandom

hastoolswilltravel: Cancel lunchbreak. Home for shower. #notetoself #warpedbyfandom


OOC: Open to in-character Tweets from any character, not just alumni, who would reasonably have a Twitter account, and they don't have to be in reply to Xander and Bridge. Free-for-all! Pre-played with the up-to-her-ears-in-packing bridge_carson, and over to you, Bob!

Supershort crash course in Twitter:

It's like LJ, but with text messages, so instead of journal entries, you have 140 characters max (including spaces) to get your message across. Each text message is a Tweet. A Twitter feed collects all the Tweets from people you follow, just like your LJ friends-list.

A hashtag is like an LJ tag for Tweets; it's a short phrase with no spaces that starts with a # sign, like #notetoself. You add it to the end of your text message and people who want to can read just the messages with that tag. You can add as many tags as you like to a tweet, but they count against the 140-character limit.

If you want to direct your Tweet to the attention of a specific person, it should start with "@thatperson'susername" like Xander's and Bridge's do above. Those also count against your 140-character limit.

How it works in this post

For the sake of consistent fun, assume:

a) whatever username your character wants is available even if in reality, somebody already took it (unless you prefer to have them bitch about it being unavailable)

b) the #warpedbyfandom hashtag is a signal to the FH network to pick up any tweets that use it, and pass them on to any Twitter users with a Fandom-based e-mail address

c) through handwavy Fandomy goodness, that tag doesn't count against your 140-character limit (and you don't need to remember to include it in your pings if you don't want to, since the whole setting of this post assumes it's there already)

d) there's no ability to read your Twitter Feed in a threaded manner, so aside from the OOC thread, each Tweet should be a reply to the main post. Yes, that can cause wacky confusion when trying to follow a conversation, but it's part of the joy of Twitter. (ETA: so stalk the post if you want to get comment notifications!)

That's it! New Tweets can be in reply to something that's already been said, or can be brand-new thoughts that the character just felt like blithering about to (potentially) everyone who ever lived in Fandom.

For space-savery, if you want to do multiple tweets in a row, stick 'em in the same comment!

sam winchester, ronan nolan, jack priest, xander harris, zero hopeless-savage, format: twitter, ic, isabel evans, hoshi sato, elizabeth delgado, lacey burrows, m parker, bridge carson, dinah lance, jennifer scotts

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