So You Want to be the Nation's Next Top Model; Episode Three.

Aug 03, 2009 15:18

Some of the smoke had finally cleared with whatever legal problems the network was having, so it was very proud to announce a continuation of their newest hit So You Want to Be the Nation's Next Top Model! Who still has what it takes to be on top? And who will be sent. home?

The opening scene to the model house opens with some music, bass guitar, to be exact, Chad strumming a Spanish-sounding tune, and then a scene where a few of the other models are just relaxing and listening.

"Oh, man," the camera goes to Jon, a happy look on his face. "It's so easy to get bored in this house, but we've got a few things to keep us entertained. Chad's got a guitar. It's so cool. I'm from Alaska. We don't have music in Alaska."

Then there's a scene of Viki, Anne and Vereneschia in the bathroom, doing make-up and talking about weaves. Oh, and Jake, too.

Jake: "What?" And then he whispers, "If you pretend to be interested in things they're interested, they know. I was kind of hoping it would turn into a party in the bathtub, or something, but I guess they're not all that bored yet."

"We can't even keep alcohol in the house," Miles adds with a shake of his head, "because not everyone's drinking age."

Despite this comment, the scene then goes to one in the living room where a collection of the models, including the underage ones, have wine. Go figure. They seem to be comfortably lounging in PJs and are in the midsts of a Truth or Dare type game. India chooses Truth, and so Chad asks her what she misses most about home, which gets people to go all 'awwww,' and then her answer (her mom's cooking) ellicits more 'awwws' and, laughingly, it's Brenton's turn and there's pressure for him to pick Dare and he's all, "Heck, no, I'm not picking Dare! You guys'll dare me to, like, kiss Jon or Chad or something."

"I'll pick Dare and kiss Chad!" Dianna chirps.

The camera then cut to Chad, looking very awkward turtle, like he knows his boyfriend is going to see this or something and that it would be edited to that effect, oh my god.

And Viki in the confessional: "It's so lame. We're so bored and it's so immature, but ships are starting. How dorky is that? But there's ships, alright. I'm just waiting for all the bundled up hormones in this house to just explode into a big orgy. And while everyone's having sex with each other, I'll win, because everyone else is having sex with each other."

So, of course, there's so clips of Viki going around and trying to push ships and try to get people to make out, but it doesn't seem to be working. Although there is a lot of vocal objection from Brenton that he does not appreciate their attempts to get him to kiss Jon or Chad. He's not gay. He has a girlfriend!

"Needless to say," Rebekah says, "when a challenge comes in, everyone goes completely batshit, because it's something to do."

Cue a very shrieking TYRA MAAAAAAIL from the majority of the contestants, except for Viki, who just makes a bitchface, Rebekah who looks like everyone's insane, and Chad just being Chad, really.

They all make wild conjectures at the less-than-opaquely worded Tyra Mail, none of which are right, and they soon discover themselves in a random warehouse where some random supposed celebrity is there to talk to them about the chaos of quick changes and getting make-up done, so of course, their challenge is to scramble around and put on their crap as quick as they can.

"Urg," India laments, "I thought this was supposed to be the makeover episode. When we gonna have makeovers, yo?"

"See?" Jake offers brightly. "This is why I hang out with the girls in the bathroom for make-up stuff. It makes me better equipped to do this sort of thing."

Cue shot of Jake poking himself in the eye with mascara. "HOLY BANANA HAMMOCK OW."

Cue shot of someone else shouting in pain, but this time it's just Viki and Vereneschia in the starts of a catfight.

"Bitch stole my eyeliner!" Vereneschia said.

"Tramp would not get out of my way!" Viki offered her own account.

"I don't know what happened," Dianna giggles, "but it's just so funny when Chad has to pull those two apart."

Even if it did wind up disqualifying Chad because he was so busy keeping the peace that he didn't get any of his stuff done. He just shrugged. "There will be other challenges," he said. "Make-up's not really my thing, anyway." Pause. "Except maybe eyeliner. I...look good in eyeliner."

The winner wound up being Dianna, who bounced a lot (much to the audience and, let's be honest, several of the other contestant's pleasure) and picked Tara and Anne to share her prize of a shopping spree at Sephora.

Back at the house again, Viki complains to Miles about how Veren-whateverhernameis is a total bitch, and so is Dianna for not picking her and Miles very politiely listens, although it's clear he'd rather not. Rebekah joins Chad's guitar music with a percussion set made of pots and spoons, and Jon throws in some authentic moose calls. "You guys could have a record album," Tara offers.

There is a short intermission that announces that this week's Cover Model of the Week is...CHAD! And talks about how this six foot six gentle giant has an impossible to miss presence on both the runway and in front of the camera, especially with his rock-cutting features and firm body kept toned from years of cheerleading. And then it encourages viewers to go and vote for who they think should be next week's Cover Model of the Week.

And then it's photoshoot time, where Tyra offers a very convoluted explaination on how their challenge of quickly getting ready reflects the chaos of the entertainment business and that's why they're doing a movie-type theme for their photoshoot today. This seems to inspire general excitement from most ("I watch movies all the time!" Dianna squeals. "I've got this, no problem!") but complaints from at least Jon ("We don't have movies in Alaska!").

The shoot goes relatively well for most people. Brenton seems to struggle with his props and getting a good fierce look,

Rebekah's picture gets called first, and the judges are pretty sure it's no contest. It's just such a gorgeous picture, which of course, cuts to Brenton looking petulant because he'd spent a good deal complaining about how everyone else had such better background to work with than he did.

Viki's princess archer scene came a very close second, trailed by Anne's damsel in distress.

Vereneschia's is a big hit, too, with a lot of talk of how lucky she was to do her vampire scene with another model and how well she worked with him. Of course, Viki, wo was complaining about how it was hardly fair that Vereneschia got to work with another person like that, is making bitchfaces. Dianna's making progress toward being less sexy sexy, but now she's almost not even sexy enough. It's all about balance!

Chad's photo was a hit as far as style goes, although there was some contention that, while he takes a pretty picture, there's not really much to his cameraman motif. Maybe if he smiled. The judges loved the conviction in Jon's Greco-Roman gladiator, and Tara is praised for her passion but reminded that she can't forget her face and needs to be pretty passionate, not normal passionate. Like Jon, for example. Miles' casanova is good, but he loses his body entirely in his positioning. And Jake's biker is cute, but not model cute.

But it's Brenton, who complains that the reason his position is more passive is because that's what he was told to do and that's why his picture wasn't more engaging, and the same goes for India's jungle woman scene. All the attention goes to the background with her. So who goes home? The experienced India who should be putting out more? Or Brenton, whose lackluster picture was due to his not following directions?

Brenton is chosen to stay, with Tyra's magnagimous decision to give him a second chance to change, so India was sent. home.

"They don't know what they're missin' out on," India laments as the footage of her packing plays. "They turned down real talent just to keep around the boffo beefcake, but whatevs. I'm over it. I'm sure they'll have no problem getting Brenton to practice more at handling his guns, you know what I mean? Peace out."

[[ posted early because I actually have to work tonight, eeeeewwww. Comments and OOC always lovely and awesome, and show viewable, of course, wherever on the isssland. ]]

ic, sywtbtnntm: the chad show

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