Apr 24, 2007 02:19
Though I have nothing specific I want to say, I don't feel like sleeping (or reading) and I'm taking a break from exercising (which has not dissipated the prevailing worries / frustrations as much as I'd hoped) so it's left that perhaps I should write something.
Read a few new profiles today, sent out some "hellos" with what I felt was some very sound and genuine advice / thoughts. I don't expect a reply. Some days I'm used to it. Some days I could delete my profile. It's not that it's so important, but effort likes to be rewarded. I'd be back anyway in some form. It's still tricky because I'm not actually interested in dating every (or even very many) of the girls I contact. I'm interested in connecting. This is a dating site though. However, what good is dating with no connection? Correct! No good? There's a song for ya:
"DATING! *huh*
Without Connection! (cue horns)
What is it GOOD For? (response) Absolutely nothin! (say't again)
Without Connection?
What is is GOOD For? Absolutely NOTHING! *AHHHHHH!*"
Hmmm...sounds familiar. I'll have to check. So, if I write you, I'm not a dirty old man trying to charm you into dumping that loser you're currently pining after in order to upgrade to wild wonderful West Virginia lil' ol' me. Nah...I'm just a friendly sort trying to spread a little tahini goodness into every life I touch. If things progress, well, won't that be marvelous? Don't be afraid of a little goodness. No ulterior motives or whack agendas here.
Anyway...I'm frustrated. I don't want to tell people I'm leaving. That'd be breaking a implicit contract of friendship, though, and I'm not like that. I'm actually impressed that more people don't know, considering how quickly word / gossip travels in our store. In fact, that's one of the reasons I told so few people, because I figured they'd find out in a day or two anyway. Hasn't happened. So, I'll tell them, sometime between tomorrow and Thursday. Honestly, I want the next 4 days to be over now.
It's funny how this frustration is making me so horny. I mean, I normally don't need anything to help me in that department. Even OKCupid says I'm hornier (which is actually the most accurate assessment it's made about me. I'm definitely more loving, less scientific, less organized, but it has me as opposite to those). So, if you were here I'd just want to fuck fuck fuck and I do apologize for having this so near the paragraph where I claimed to want connection, not specifically dating. I liberally switch from talking to anyone who might be reading to specific people / a person. You'll just have to guess when particular comments relate (or not) to you. That is my fun. Yay fun.
I don't think sex would solve anything right now, except it would help me fixate on one LESS thing and I could certainly relax a bit more. My stomach is actually knotting up a bit with all this worry and frustration. Boo hoo, my life is kind of a mess, with a few very yummy parts. There I go talking about sex again. But the connection is what makes it even yummier. Connection, people. CONNECTION. No chains, no dumb rules, no cages, just give each other the best you have to give. That's not so hard, actually. Maybe I feel that way because it's sort of my life philosophy.
Speaking of personal hygiene, I'm starting to dislike my underarm deoderant. Boy this post is getting sexier by the syllable. Maybe I should change the title to "Bringing Sexy Back with Frustration and Pheromones"
Actually, that ain't half bad.
Anyway, I'm hereby declaring my current deoderant as "Winter Fabulous, Summer Funky". That IS a scientific classification and you will be quizzed. So I'm going to see about acquiring some all-natural deodorant that is more capable of handling the summer heat, humidity and my sweatability. Hmmm, this post has more entertainment value than I could've hoped when I began. I was in kind of a foul mood.
By the way, me & my lovely friend decided (and this should be blatantly clear to ALL of you) that if you have to wear shirts or sweatpants that have phrases like "Bringing Sexy Back", then you ain't bringin' it back. Things like our revered friend, Sexy, don't need slogans to announce their departure or return.
"Has anyone seen Sexy this week?"
"Um, no, didn't you get the memo?"
"Memo? No I didn't get it!"
"Dude, Sexy is on holiday until the 3rd, on work-release until the 8th and Justin, Jessica, Jehosophat or SOMEBODY is bringing sexy back on the 9th. Sometime around 8:15 p.m., evidently."
"8:15 on the 9th? I can't wait that long! I need Sexy NOW!"
"Dude, take a number."
"What the hell am I supposed to do until Sexy gets back?"
"Heck, I don't know: shuffleboard, maybe?"
*end scene*
It was wise of you to suggest I write a journal entry. I must be talking to myself because not one of you came to me and said, "Say, could you write a journal entry tonight? Something effervescent yet meaty, something all-natural but a bit bad, a bit of truth, a bit up-front and personal but not too confrontational. A bit vague so we all can feel like you're speaking directly to us, but most of us know you're being fairly general with a few specifics thrown in? Daring yet conservative. Funny yet introspective. Horny yet cuddly and caring. Thanks so much. It'd really complete my Monday evening or perhaps start my Tuesday morning breakfast just right."
Not ONE of you said any of that to me. And how could you have? You don't reply to my messages...
That's ok. I am not to be phased. A lull here and there, occasionally down but never out. Actually, I DO have an agenda: I'm bringing optimism back.
(shit...is optimism sexy?)