ITT: Sock hoppin'

May 08, 2010 01:44

[ In anticipation of (hopefully) joining mayfield_rpg Renae has coerced Eileen into a silk, powder pink party dress and a string of pearls, her hair wound into loose curls ( Read more... )

character: eileen galvin, character: tom hanniger, player: _brokeneternity, player: pianotheme

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tom_hanniger May 8 2010, 05:54:00 UTC
[Tom is very much in the same situation, but having passed up a pink party dress of his own, he's taken to a kelly green suit. Apparently you can only be Danny Zuko if you're in High School and that was a little too long ago to pull off. Besides, he is well aware of his hair product limit and frankly that would be pushing it.

Never a big dancer, or even a big party goer, he feels hopeless out of place. Especially being at an absurd party alone. Somewhere, he suspects that there's a reason for this, but he hasn't quite grasped it yet.

Trying to avoid as much eye contact with the dance floor as possible, he turns and wanders through the other guests towards what looks like a large ornate punch bowl. It's old, but beautifully carved, and laid out alongside the other refreshments. Hoping it's adult punch( and it is), he accepts a glass from the staff with a nod of thanks and casts a dubious look across the crowd.]


rebornmother May 8 2010, 06:04:08 UTC
[ As Eileen takes another cursory look at the crowd, she realizes she's caught the eye of a gangly redhead in tight pants. He grins wolfishly, waggling his eyebrows, and begins weaving toward her. Slightly panicked, she seeks out an exit, or at least a decent hiding place.

Backing into the crowd behind her, she strafes along the wall of the community center and comes to a stop behind a line of girls chattering and giggling with one another. The redhead stares dumbly into the corner Eileen previously occupied, mouth agape, visibly trying to calculate where she might've gone. With a sigh of relief, and keeping her eyes on the boy in case he caught a whiff of her again, she blindly navigates her way to the refreshment table, literally bumping into Tom. ]


tom_hanniger May 8 2010, 06:09:47 UTC
Ah- [He starts with surprise but stuffs a cork in it quick enough to back up a little and not drop his drink. It takes a moment after that for him to get a look at the person and then a second moment to realize it's a girl. And a pretty one at that.]

Are you alright?


rebornmother May 9 2010, 15:52:09 UTC
[ A surprised “oh!”, never considering she could back into someone while intently watching her pursuer, who finally gave up and was absorbed once more into groups of young partygoers. Eileen breathed a sigh of relief and faced Tom, nodding in response to his question. ]

I was outrunning that guy over there.

[ She pointed across the auditorium where a head full of thick red hair towered over those around him. Then Eileen began to laugh as the silliness of the situation sank in, eyes passing over Tom’s cup. She laughed harder, but was courteous enough to try and hide it behind her hand. ]

God, I’m sorry. I didn’t spill any on you, did I?


tom_hanniger May 10 2010, 02:30:24 UTC
No, no, I'm fine.

[Tom answers with a soft smile before setting the glass on a nearby table. He then turns his attention to the direction he's pretty sure she came from, looking for the creep she's avoiding. He isn't certain, but he gets a glimpse of someone skeevy working his way in their direction]

Is he giving you trouble?


rebornmother May 10 2010, 03:04:47 UTC
Not yet.

[ Just their luck, it is the same gangly young man from before. In her pink dress, Eileen stands out in stark contrast to the more muted and cutely patterned frocks on and lining the dance floor. Muttering a quiet “oh no” and casually trying to shield her face does little to help her.

The redhead grins widely, revealing a mouth full of metal braces, looking past Tom as if he were looking through a pane of glass. ]

“My name’s Hal. You wanna dance with me?”

[ It’s not in Eileen’s nature to bluntly reject someone, even if her gut is pleading with her to do so. She forces a smile and struggles to find the right words that will send him on his way. ]

Uh, well…


tom_hanniger May 10 2010, 03:26:02 UTC
[Thoroughly unimpressed, but having pegged this guy as the stalker type, Tom raises an eyebrow and straightens his shoulders before clearing his throat.]

Sorry, pal. She's with me.

[Slipping his hand around her waist for effect.]

Babe, do you know this guy?

[Tom asks, staring the ginger down.]


rebornmother May 10 2010, 03:53:29 UTC
[ This wouldn’t have been the route she’d take, but Eileen is thankful for Tom’s quick thinking and willingness to rescue her. She wraps an arm around him in return, purses her lower lip and shakes her head. ]

Never seen him before.


tom_hanniger May 10 2010, 03:59:34 UTC
You heard the lady.

[Fortunately for Tom, he's bigger than the other guy and capable of a pretty solid 'don't fuck with me' face, effectively scaring the guy off. Hal pauses for a second before uttering an apology and disappearing to chase another skirt.

There's a small length of time before Tom lets Eileen go, and he too gives a quiet sorry for grabbing her out of the blue.]

I don't think he'll bother you anymore.


rebornmother May 10 2010, 04:14:53 UTC
[ Flashes Tom a genuine smile. ]

Thanks a lot.

[ Then, she extends a hand for him to shake. ]

I’m Eileen, by the way.


tom_hanniger May 10 2010, 04:17:43 UTC
[Taking it with a smile of his own.]

I'm Tom.

[Annnd then he's not sure what to say.]

Can uh, can I get you a drink?


rebornmother May 10 2010, 04:35:37 UTC

[ Retrieving a small glass from the stack near the punchbowl, she holds it out for him to fill. ]

If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here? You look about as confused as I feel.


tom_hanniger May 10 2010, 23:46:29 UTC

[And he does, careful not to spill.]

That's a good question. I guess I didn't have much of a choice. 'Take it you're in the same boat.


rebornmother May 11 2010, 00:15:21 UTC
[ Eileen takes a swig of her drink before answering, wrinkling her nose at the tart taste of alcohol. ]

Pretty obvious, huh?


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