(no subject)

Jun 14, 2009 20:05

[It seems like your normal, average radio. Barring the fact that it hasn't worked at all up until now, there's nothing unusual about it to speak of.

But suddenly, and without warning, there's an explosion of white noise, the sound filling the room like water. It's nearly deafening and could bring even the strongest man to his knees in agony, but as soon as the ruckus flairs up, it dies down just as quickly, only to be replaced by an overenthusiastic voice.]

Hi there everybody, thanks for tuning in. Welcome to another exciting edition of "Trick or Treat!"

(audience cheers)

Here you either answer the questions correctly and win a great prize, or fail to answer correctly and receive the punishment. It all depends on you. And our lucky, or should I say unlucky, challenger today is...

player: pianotheme

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