Last Call...

May 18, 2007 14:50

Since Sunday brings to a close my undergraduate collegiate career, I feel as though it's time to close up this chapter of my life. In the same way, I believe it's also time to end my journal here, since I am officially moving onto a very adult world that I've heard leaves little time for keeping online journals.

It's finally time to move on.

Am I ready?

I have mixed feelings.

I've had this journal since 2002. When I posted my first entry, I had gotten my password way into LJ from Kasey. I was infatuated with about five different guys and was mostly concerned about finishing what I thought were insane amounts of homework and avoiding fights with my mother over things like dating guys who were bad for me and hanging out with friends who had little respect for me.

My my, how times have changed.

Now, I find myself graduating from Ohio Northern University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Professional Writing, a minor in Business Administration. I will be moving to Findlay, OH and working as the Communications Coordinator for the Public Relations Department at Blanchard Valley Health Systems. I'm planning my wedding for September 15, 2007, when I will leave behind a last name that has literally come to signify my social identity for the last 4 or 5 years and take the last name of the man who I will spend the rest of my life with.

You can call me Kristen Marie Steele.

I'm not sure the reality of any of this has officially hit me yet, but I fear that when it does, it's really going to shake me.

But you know...I think I'm ready to be shaken up. Four years ago, I was terrified that moving to college for four years was going to destroy everything that I knew about myself...that it was going to turn me into someone I didn't know.

And it did. But in the best ways possible.

So if I can expect the same from the "real world," maybe I shouldn't be so afraid to shake things up.

I believe it's time to stop delaying the inevitable and impart some last minute here it goes...

Thanks to everyone who has cared enough to stop by and read up on me every once in a while. It's been a wild ride and only God knows where I'm headed next. I wish the best to everyone always. God Bless.

And with that, there's only one thing left to say that's appropriate for a goodbye from yours truly...

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