Sep 29, 2003 09:22
well today is going good im not sweating what happen over the weekend! well justins mom had asked me if he smoked and i told her that he did and he is really pissed at me like he hatees me and we are not together and never will be he is like " how would u like it if i told your mom that u did i told her and now she know and she is actually really upset!.... but whatever i just think that it is funny that he is trying to make me jealous by touching other girsls butts....but what ever make your twinkie creamy......and i mena i know i did wrong but get over it everyone makes mistakes and im tired of lying thats another reason why i told my moms...then he has the nerve to say to me....if u ever wanna be with me and talk to me ...then call my mom and tell her u lied im like whatever...even thouhg i didnt do it because i mena hello i didnt lie obviously he lies and im tryingf not to lye anymore!so yeah i had a fucked up weekend...but im thanks for letting me share...
love salina
i will write when i get home! :)