Apr 07, 2005 13:56
I almost died last night.
I was eating rice and it got caught in my throat, so
I tried to drink some Propel to wash it down.
This only made it worse and I honestly thought I was going to choke to death.
But that's not how it happened.
Aren't you disappointed?
I know you are.
Here are some bands that I think really, really suck:
311, 3 Doors Down, Incubus, Nickelback, Korn, and Maroon 5.
Maroon 5 isn't THAT bad, but they are incredibly overrated.
I could have named a lot more bands/artists, but I tried to limit
the list to bands they play on the radio stations to which I listen.
Remember the time you poured hot melted butter on my genitals?
It would have been nice of you to have warned me first!
I don’t feel like writing anymore. Sorry.