Ok, looks like our new director gave us nice present for a flavor quest for the new expansion. I'm testing this out right now on Quetz, and I HIGHLY suggest if you're on Quetz you do this fast before the kupopowers change! (we got Thrifty Transit right now, which will help a LOT getting around.) Also bring some sort of movement speed gear/ability; I used Garuda and Fleet Wind. I was cued into this from BG, and I'll confirm names and places for people. Also since to USE these teles takes crystals; if you are on quetz, don't have time, know me, and are going OW at the price of stacks of clusters, send me a tell. Don't go tail-kissing too much lol (I'm a mithra, I can say that) but I'll be glad to farm a stack of clusters for people that know me if you ask. Just don't bug me constantly or I'll find a galka to punt you!
First talk to guy in Ru'lude Gardens (Anastase; he's at G-9) Then you have to go to and talk to specific npcs in certain areas to attune a key item he will give you:
Selbina (Is by the water) - Talk to Jillia
Mhaura (I-8, uppermost level / NE corner-- Don't go to the governor's mansion. If you're having trouble,
this pic should show you exactly where. It's where I'm standing.) - Talk to Zurko-Bazurko (he's
on some barrels)
Rabao (G-8, se corner of the square) - Talk to Quwhi Orihbhe
Norg (near the moogles) - Talk to Wistful Bison
Then go back to talk to Anastase; you'll get 400 conquest points and 3 trail cookies.
Zone and talk to him again, he'll give you a second series. This will be updated as I get them..Oh and you get a little xp per point. They cannot be widescanned(Well, duh since they're ???s), I found that out the hard way. Also the next two series's can be done in any order tho I did them in order to find out where they were.
West Ronfare -- Go though Bostauniex Obliette, it's at E-8. Don't fall off the ledge!
North Gustburg -- Go though Dangruf Wadi (make sure you have s/i), cross river and go back. it's at D-8 on the opposite side of the river from the exit.
W. Saru -- It's the tower at F4 in W. Saru (I had to do a process of elimination to find it since BG used the actual name of the tower, I don't remember them that way). Don't go down, go around the stairs and it's on top of the stair tunnel.
La Thiene -- Follow the directions
here on where to go to get though ordelles. It is on a ledge near where you erm, finish that quest at h-10.
Konschtat Highlands -- go to K-6 and climb the bone ridge there. DO NOT fall down and I suggest you turn autorun off. It's at the very end of the ridge near the wall at L-5.
Tahrongi Canyon -- basically middle of i-9, close to the wall and a hillock.
Jugner Forest -- first, op to w.ronfare, then head to east and head straight for King Ramperre's Tomb. (I always get lost in there) Head straight though to Jugner. Head down to the lake; it's over by the NW wall near the lake. (This is where a nm called King Artho spawns, btw.)
Pashhow Marshlands -- I-7, close to the Luremarsh. (Right up against it as a matter of fact.)
Meriphaud Mountains -- go to the western end of the ridge, run east under it until you get to G-8. Should be in the corner of the quadrant.
Attohwa Chasm -- Climb That-Dammed-Mountain, it's at J-8 on top of there.
Ule Range -- This one's minor infuriating. Go to G-8, find the waterfall that thaws when there's no ice weather, and go though it. The point is at h-7. It's the topmost ENM entrance. Don't go over the ledge to Bearclaw Pinnacle though or you've gone too far! This one also has the biggest XP reward (I got 2k)
The reward for all that is 2k conquest points and 6 trail cookies. ^^
Zone again, and talk to the guy again. Again, you get a little xp for finding these points, and don't try to widescan them, it won't work.
Davoi -- Not far from where you enter this zone. Head for I-8 and the broken bridge from the entrance; I found this one easier to target as I came up on it.
Beadeaux -- Go to H-7, then go down into the basement. Waypoint's at G-7 behind the mute. (Don't click the mute!)
Castle Oztroja -- G-8 straight from the entrance, you'll have to go around because of big hill/lamp in the way.
Quicksand Caves -- F-7, you'll have to go though the weight door at K-7, the weight door at H-7 and the sandstorm door. It's right over the pit where you'd fall in for a Zilart mission (the pot smashing) if I'm not mistaken.
Sea Serpent's Grotto -- It's the map behind the myrthil coin door at J-5.
Temple of Ugglapih (Or Ugly-pii, as I like to call it) -- Go as if you were going to teach Levi Prime a lesson. At H-8 on the second map you come to going there, tab around for a blank crack and go in the room there. It's in the corner of that room at H-8.
The Boyahda Tree -- Go like you were going to beat up on ramuh; it's on the first map at D-4, up on a walkable up ledge.
Oldtown Movalpolos -- You will have to go though Newtown. When you get to oldtown, head to the entrance to Newtown at i-6. You need to head to the exit at E-9 in newtown. I strongly suggest you bring a partner since you may have to run around to blow hatches; having the map and/or having wiki up for maps is a very good idea! You should bring a friend and some firesand to blow a pain in the butt hatch. The point itself you're looking for is in Oldtown, at K-11.
Riverne Site #B01 -- you'll need to farm two scales, so I recommend you bring a friend to hold the second scale for you. It's quite a trip: go to a unstable displacement at h-8, then a dispacement at G-6, then a displacement at E-7, then a unstable displacement at e-8, then finally a displacement at c-9. The point is at C-10 on a floating rock behind the monument.
Castle Zvahl Keep -- I don't need to explain this too much. It's at H-8 in the middle of the room on the first map after you zone from the castle.
The reward for this quest is 3k conquest points and 12 trail cookies.
This might be important once Seekers comes out, like the flavor quest was for ToAU. so I suggest you do this! Oh and trade crystals or clusters to the proto-waypoint (this can be any proto-waypoint, think of that like putting gas in the car. You do it and can use it, but when it's gone you have to add more gas. Also dark/light clusters give the thing the most "gas".) to use it. I had trouble figuring out where to trade them. ^^ This will allow you to tele to these areas all the time as long as you have traded in crystals or clusters first to the proto waypoint. Oh and I forgot; teles to the areas in the first quest take 30 points, the areas in the second quest take 100 points, and the areas in the third quest take 300 points.