Nov 27, 2004 02:45
My god, I hate it so much! I just can't stand it sometimes! People on there can be real jackasses. We decided to do BCNM 40 in Giddeus. Okay, first round runs smoothly the black mandy is stunned when need be to keep it from using flood. We win the battle and get the loot, I have no clue what the shit is worth, we're going to split it six ways.
So anyway, we go for round number 2...this is where everything comes apart. The mandy manages to get off flood, even though I had silenced it earlier. Well Eliteserge dies, so I raise him because I was told to do so. But then it gets it off again killing Chickemu. That was it, Eliteserge was weakened and Chickemu was dead. I was less than 100mp I believe and the mandys were running toward Cendus.
Yuppie, one by one the players start dropping until its me, eliteserge and meruru. Eliteserge escapes and me and Meruru die. So we're all there on the ground, near the circle are me and Katsako. Well anyway, we all HP except Katsako. I go teleport and get on chocobo which cost me 916 gil and head to Giddeus to raise katsako. I do a /sea all on him as I near Giddeus and he is back in Jeuno. What the fuck?! And then Im looking at the ls chat, this is what pissed me off... What the whm didn't have reraise??? WTF?! ... Okay, so now I'm a bad WHM.
Eliteserge was pissed caused the BCNM fell apart, and wasn't talking to anyone. I tried to talk to him then I blew up on him, whatever. He can stay fucking pissed at me, everyone can. I think it may be better for me to just delete my fucking account and forget it. Jesus...