Three Fics; [Balthier, Ashe, Fran], [Balthier/Basch], [Balthier, Fran]

Dec 23, 2010 13:29

Title: Could Have Beens
Rating/Content: PG; partnership, friendship, regrets, post-game.
Characters: Balthier, Ashe, Fran.
Summary: Balthier reflects on being a queen.

Surely Ffamran mid Bunansa had buried himself in Bahamut's wreck, at the foot of Cid's grave. Surely, even if some fragment of Ffamran survived, he didn't still have the arrogance to think the third son of a bourgeois lord could ever compete with a Dynast Queen.


Title: Spectacle
Rating/Content: M; partnership, pre-game, some violence.
Characters: Balthier, Fran.
Summary: In a provincial prison, Balthier and Fran stage a performance.

The judges here were provincials, Fran decided, right about the time they slammed Balthier face first against the cell wall and bent his arms high behind his back to manacle him - and continued, bless their ignorant little souls, to ignore her in favour of rouging Balthier's cheekbones in shades black and blue.


Title: Sleepover
Rating/Content: M; post-game, relationship.
Characters: Basch/Balthier
Summary: Accidentally, Basch and Balthier wake up in love.

-with Balthier asleep beside him and vaguely snoring through a hangover, Basch wondered where they went wrong.


[r: pg], (canon: original game) set two, [c: basch], [c: balthier], [r: m], [c: ashe], [c: fran], [p: balthier/basch]

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