Clipped Wings - Chapter 1

Nov 29, 2009 23:37

Okay, here it goes: my attempt at a multi-chapter fanfiction. Hope the writing is not too shoddy...DX Like always, any crit is welcome!

Title: Clipped Wings
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Rating: R (contains explicit sex)
Characters: Larsa/Penelo, Basch (Mainly Balthier/Penelo)
Setting: Five years post-game

Summary: Even though she gave up all hope of gaining Balthier's affections, she still cannot quite bring herself to forget about him...

Clipped Wings - Chapter 1

It had been five years since they defeated Vayne and three years since she had last seen Balthier and Fran with Vaan. She and Vaan were plundering Giruvegan when Balthier and Fran showed up and joined their adventure. Penelo was taken with Balthier’s free spirit then and had shooed away her feelings to make room for Vaan in her heart; she had given up on him and entered a brief relationship with Vaan. The tryst with Vaan ended bitterly, him being childish about the whole situation. What had happened was Vaan wanted her to live with him forever, forgetting that she too was a sky pirate and enjoyed her freedom. When she told him that her feelings for him were those of a sister's to a brother, Vaan became offended; his reasons were beyond her, but she understood the feeling of rejection all too well.
Her memory traced back to the first time she had been rejected, an older boy's face appeared in the back of her mind. The similarity of his features to Vaan's was alarming, only older. The face was a welcome one though, as she recognized it to be Reks's. She had been in love with Reks for a long time, and when she found out he was enlisting, she confessed. Reks blushed and smiled at her, placing a hand on her shoulder. He had told her with great sadness: "...I am very flattered...but I love Dalmasca and fight for her freedom I will. I cannot promise anything." It was by those words and the sadness in his voice that she knew she had been rejected kindly. How right was he by those words! He perished in battle soon after, leaving me and Vaan alone in a Rabanastre soon to be taken over by the House Solidor.

"Penelo." A soft but deep voice said.

Penelo shook herself out of her contemplation. She looked up at the youthful boy hovering over her and smiled. "Sorry, Larsa," she apologized, savoring the touch of his hands upon her arms. "What troubles your conscience, my dear?" Larsa implored, looking into her eyes.

"It's nothing, Larsa. I was only thinking of the past."

Penelo laid down on her back onto the large oak bed of Larsa's, dragging him down with her. Larsa obliged and crushed his lips upon hers, stifling the gasp that nearly jumped out of Penelo. She then relaxed and returned the kiss; Larsa took this as invitation and opened her mouth with a sweep of the tongue. The muscle danced with hers to their nonexistant song. His hands were grasping Penelo's shoulders tightly. She reached her hands up to Larsa's face and let them linger, causing Larsa's cheeks to tinge pink.
Feeling the warmth from Penelo's hands, he broke away from her and looked at her calm face. He was panting softly as he moved his hand to undo her top, stopping to look at Penelo once more for permission. She nodded and he lunged at her, discarding their clothing in a matter of seconds. Penelo laughed in her usual gentleness and hugged Larsa tightly.
While Larsa trailed kisses upon her body, she found her thoughts drifting once again. She found herself thinking about Reks again...he certainly had not been the only one to reject her. The next one to do so was Balthier. He never openly rejected her; she just knew it was impossible. Still, she couldn't help but feel rejected. It was only a childish crush, she told herself. She blamed her own innocence and naivete for even imagining for a minute that it would be possible. However, as the journey went on, she got to know him better and saw that Balthier will probably have no eyes for any other than Fran. Not that she blamed him. Balthier's face ghosted over Reks's in her mind as he waved good-bye from the Strahl as Penelo jumped onboard her ship, the Galbana, with Vaan. After Vaan came dear Larsa. She was surprised that he would take an older woman like her and treat her as if she were his age. How long would this last, she wondered, before he realizes that she cannot be bound down as the emperor’s mistress? Her mind came back to the present when Larsa brushed his fingers against her delicate spot. The bedposts above became rimmed with white.
A forceful thrust thundered into her. She arched and clawed at Larsa’s back, gasping. Larsa had a serious look on his face, lips parted slightly as he panted low and hard. Penelo both adored and despised that serious side of his; she respected how he felt about their position, yet she wanted to shake him out of his solemnity. Finding her sweet spot and eliciting a gasp from Penelo, Larsa attacked that spot with each thrust, making her gasps transform into moans. She shuddered as her insides exploded and everything went white, still grasping Larsa’s slender back. Larsa followed soon after and collapsed on top of her. They were silent, listening to each other as their pants slowed into breaths. It was Larsa who broke the silence first, surprising Penelo.

“ were thinking about something else, were you not?” Larsa implored, halfway asleep.

“Oh Larsa...don’t take it in the wrong way. I was merely reflecting on the past,” Penelo echoed her previous response.

Larsa was quiet at this. He was about to drift into sleep when a soft knock landed on the master bedroom door, making Penelo ready to jump out of the bed. Larsa grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the bed.

“Don’’s only Basch. I know by the way he knocks.”

Penelo nodded and got back into the bed, pulling the sheets up and around her to hide her state of indecency. Larsa got out of the bed and slipped on his white bathrobe. Penelo watched his tall form march a prince’s gait as he went to the grand door. She marveled at how much a small boy could grow within five years. He was already seventeen and had matured into a handsome young lad, instead of the rugged man that Vayne was. How long would this emperor-mistress relationship last, she wondered again. Perhaps it would be best if she freed herself than experience another rejection. She let her gaze linger on Larsa’s back until she saw silver-glinted armor emerge from the doorway.
Basch’s blonde head gave a stark contrast from his black and steel attire as he stepped into the bedroom. He scanned the room as routine would have him do, checking for anything out of the ordinary, and his eyes fell on the blanketed cocoon on the bed that was Penelo. He looked away quickly and blushed.

“I’m sorry, my lord, I did not realize you were with someone.”

Larsa waved him off, saying: “It is fine, Gabranth. She is your friend, so please do not feel embarassed.” Penelo waved to him from the bed, smiling. Basch gave her a nod of acknowledgement. “Hello, Lady Penelo.”
“Hi Basch!” She chirped, causing Basch to finally smile.

“So what brings you here at this hour, Gabranth?” Larsa asked, rubbing his eyes. “I hope nothing too important that it requires immediate attention. I need my rest especially after being in Lady Penelo’s company.” He smiled impishly, hinting at the innuendo. Basch ignored it, carrying on his stoic poise appropriate for a Judge Magister.

“I just came to tell you that your wife will be arriving back from Dalmasca tomorrow. She also told me to tell you that she wishes to meet with Lady Ashe again sometime soon.” Basch, or Gabranth as he was now, saluted and bade the youths good night.

After the door clanked shut, Penelo was very quiet for a long time. Larsa suspected something was wrong, as she was usually chatty. Larsa stood at the foot of the bed, tilted his head to the side and watched her form move underneath the sheets.


Larsa’s head snapped back up and he was looking at Penelo’s face.

“We should quit this affair of ours.”

Larsa drew back slightly, mouth hanging open. He blurted out: “But Penelo, you know very well that she is only my wife by law. It was the only way to get Rozzaria to ally with Archades! I do not have the love for her that I do for you. It pained me very much to go through with this marriage.”

“I know, Larsa. But I cannot be the bird with clipped wings.” With that, Penelo got up and dressed as fast as she could and left.

[c: larsa], (canon: original game) set two, [c: basch], [c: balthier], [r: r], [p: larsa/penelo], [c: penelo], [p: balthier/penelo]

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