FFXII Fic: 4 Secrets That Larsa Solidor Will Never Say Out Loud (Larsa, Penelo, Vayne, etc.)

Jul 27, 2007 01:49

This is the first fanfic I’m posting for over two weeks (the largest gap I’ve had since 2006!) and writing this was a bit of a wrench. But in any case, this is almost a direct sequel for Blood Simple (what Vayne did to Larsa there had consequences) and is dedicated to the very excellent threewalls.

And comments, corrections and criticism are, as always, completely welcome and loved! More than anything, I’m hoping this will jog me up from my recent fic-writing stupor, honestly speaking…

Title: 4 Secrets That Larsa Ferrinas Solidor Will Never Say Out Loud (And 1 He'll Be Willing to Whisper)
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Series: The Uses of Enchantment
Characters: Larsa, Penelo, Larsa/Penelo, Vayne, Gramis, Noah, Drace
Rating: PG-13
Summary: There's no one who can hurt you like the one you most love.

He doesn't think he'll ever be able to forgive Drace for getting herself killed.

[c: drace], [c: larsa], [c: gabranth], (canon: original game), [p: larsa/penelo], [c: penelo], [c: vayne], [c: gramis]

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