midnightdiddle, who gives me pictures of half-naked rugby players to cheer me enough whenever I feel down. Darling, you are the best. Even nude Italian wonder-boys pale beside your charms! And for
kilraaj and all the others who gave me such lovely and critical comments last chapter. It really helped with the writing of this.
As always, feedback and concrit is much loved. This is one of the most labor-intensive stories I've written so far and it really does help to hear that people are enjoying this in some way, no matter how brief or lengthy or wonderfully critical your comments might be. ;)
Title: Knots, Ties and Tides, Chapter 6
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Characters/Pairings: Penelo, Larsa, Larsa/Penelo (Massively One/Sided), Cast
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Ashe asked Penelo to make a sacrifice for Dalmasca's sake, she had no idea that this was what her Queen had in mind...
Previous Chapters Here Current Chapter 6