Flash mob

May 13, 2008 13:19

When: Thursday 8:00 P.M. Eastern
Where: Aht Urhgan Whitegate
What: A reenactment of the famous "I'm Captain Basch!" scene in FFXII. Put on your most ridiculous looking gear and tell the world that you are Captain Basch Von Ronsenburg of Dalmasca! Seriously, just run around and go crazy with it in /sh and /say.  Get as many people as you can

I've been doing this every now and then, and it's a blast. I'd love to see more people in on it.

Acceptable phrases:
- "I'm captain Basch von Ronsenburg of Dalmasca!"
- "I'm captain Basch!"
- "Don't believe Ondore's lies!"

If someone asks you about it, tell them that one day you'll be a sky pirate, or some equally asinine Vaan catchphrase.

Why: Just because.
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