1. Get a Soultrapper AND a Soultrapper 2000
2. Get 60 blank plates(high-speed if you seriously want to but that is expensive)
3. Gather a small group of people who can barely handle mobs in Onzozo
4. Pop
http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.com/Narasimha5. Spend the rest of your night sneaking up on her, snapping a photo, and running back before she turns and sees you.
Sothis will probably back me up on this. :3 Best fun I've had, ever. DANGER! EXCITEMENT! DRAMA! KITTENS! The makings of any good night has those properties.
For anyone who cares:
You can get plates of what seems to be ANY mob in the game. Success rate appears to be based on your level in relation to the level of your target. Elementals seem to be resistant to it somewhat, although the one I tested on was also a much higher level than me.
Just because you have a NM plate doesn't mean you automatically win Pankration. Sure, you get a monster that looks like the NM, but it's most certainly not the NM. Furthermore, in cases of HNMs, assuming you do get to snap it, you won't get to use it at all. Nope. You can pass it's ability on to something else, but no, you can't take Tiamat or Fafnir or anyone else and count on it winning everything.
Marids are cliche, as are everything else in Aht Urhgan; People just don't like walking far for their monsters it seems.
My pokeymans will be shown to you!
Yes, I won't lie, this is something of a gilsink. It isn't directly gilsinking, but it's true. Currently there are no incredibly spectacular rewards. It is, however, incredibly fun, especially when you want to snap a high level NM's picture in a tiny easily-wiped group, which makes it somehow worth it.
That is all. *nod* If anyone else is into it, post your own photo-exploits here. I'm interested in seeing how far others would go to snap obscure powerful NMs.