Windurst Mission 6-1; The Movie
A FederationElite Production.
Ravenarchon the shiny-armoured Hume PLD 69
Serynth the trained-physician Tarutaru WHM 61
Squeak the disgruntled-lagging Tarutaru RDM 62 (me)
Murrquan the demolitions-expert Tarutaru BLM 70
Zellchaver the sleepy-skillchaining Elvaan SAM 61
Noobyag1 as The Yagudo Who Fails at Killing a Naked Still Tarutaru
The Four Yageteers as The Four Yagudo Whose Names I Forgot
NotSoNoobishYag as himself.
And various other yagudos.
Also starring Kementari, Sesshomaru, Eron, Ambere and Faithlilly as The Guys Doing G3 Who Helped Us Out A Lot (thanks again, guys <3)
This is all true, btw. I didn't make anything up. AND NOW, WITHOUT FURTHER ADO..
Windurst Mission 6-2; The Movie
I was growing tired of having 6-1 & 6-2 getting put off and put off, so I announced that this (yesterday) would be the day that we get rank 7, or else there would be MURDER. The LS knows better than to doubt me, so we went and did it! I was lagging during most of 6-1, BUT, the lag seemed to have stopped, so I relaxed a bit and figured it was over. (IF ONLY I KNEW HOW WRONG I WAS.)
After completing 6-1 for the last two (Zell, Raven) who needed it, we geared up and prepared to go own some yags in the face and other parts. Zell was tired and wanted to go to sleep, but I knew that if we gave up now we wouldn't be able to do it for another 3840938240382048234 years or so, plus we were pretty much all ready. So. We headed to Bagel Days, and discussed the strategy. We were to sleep them and take them one by one, WHM, SMN, SAM, NIN. My lag started up again. And then MQ announced that it was a shame that he didn't have Sleepga 2.
I took a moment to quell my murderous sentiments, and then reminded myself that I myself had Sleepga, and we should be okay.
So. There was some lack of organization in the actual fight, plus my LAG, we all almost died a couple of times, but we still won. So nyah. Zell was D2d, he went off to sleep, or something, and then we decided we should finish the mission.
Off to Castle Oztroja. As we reached the top floor, I started to feel progressively more and more murderous. ST (Serynth) took charge, and together he and Raven formulated a plan. MQ and I would buff up, aggro all the yags, long enough for ST and Raven to light the torches, Raven would head behind the door, we three taru would Escape, get the password, and join him. Raven left the party so he wouldn't be caught up in the carnage.
Guess what happened?
Lag. MQ, ST and I died. Luckily, ST had Reraise 2 up. ST Raise 2'd MQ, tractored me, and then Raise 2'd me. He was weakened, and then.. a yag popped next to him. He didn't have Reraise 2 up. I didn't see it due to lag, and got up... Only to be killed again.
Lo and behold, a group of high levels (Kementari, Sesshomaru, Eron, Ambereand Faithlilly) were doing G3 for a friend, and helped us get through. They even cracked the password. After dropping down, we decided to form an alliance and just kill all the yags. Which... was loads of fun, even though I was still lagging and some of us almost died again. (the almost-dying made it funner), so G3 was completed for them, in this fashion, and we decided to part ways. I had a Judgment Key, and Raven and ST went through the door when someone else opened it. MQ didn't make it, so I went, and used my key...
Yep, I didn't make it through. And it couldn't be opened from the back, as we had no more keys.
Luckily Tractor still worked through doors, so I committed suicide in front of the door, and was Tractor'd and Raise 2'd.
A minute or so afterwards, a group of high levels opened the door to get through.
(The following part quoted from ST's account of the tale:)
"Anyway, a moment about the contents of this door...
At the southernmost end is a door. The one we entered through. It's a thin passage that only leads north.
The floor here gradually slopes up for about 70 feet. At 60 feet is the NPC to finish the mission.
At 75 feet, there is an abrupt drop down. You can't get back up by normal means once you fall... And the drop is not visible unless you have the camera at an odd angle.
Can you guess what happened?"
Yep, I lagged and shot right past it, not even seeing the NPC because he hadn't loaded due to lag.
After a minute of angry noises and hitting various keys on the keyboard, we decided to go with the previous method. I was still weakened, so I figured it wouldn't take long. I pulled a yag, and got to the place. MQ cast Cure on me to see if I was in casting range, but that took hate. I managed to get hate back, but... it kept missing. I stripped. (The LS promptly took screenshots) and waited.
And it still failed at killing me.
Raven dropped down and killed it. Then I pulled another yag, and MQ did the Cure-test again... drawing hate. I got it back, and FINALLY, I died. And then was Tractored. And Raise 2'd. (I put my clothes back on as quickly as I could.) And then I talked to the Yagudo. 2 lines of text, a key item, and a near-useless necklace.
ST tele-mea'd us, I went back to Windurst for a disappointing cutscene.
BUT. Rank 7. And I didn't level down, thankfully, even though I was left with ~1,000 EXP into 62.
...Plus a sudden, strange urge to storm Giddeus...
...Heh, heh, heh...
The end!
(Again, quote'd from ST:)
"Death Toll:
Ravenarchon 0
Zellchaver 0
Murrquan 1
Serynth 2
Squeak 4 (2 suicide)"
Final notes:
2. Bet you're sorry you missed it, Fynlar and Zell!
3. I need to have words with my ISP. And by "words", I mean "stabbings". Considering how much I pay for it, THE LEAST IT COULD DO IS WORK PROPERLY. Rararararara, etc.
4. Did I mention MURDER?
5. Hats.
It was pretty funny, though I was murderous at the time. I'm still kind of irritated, but that will fade soon and I will rofl at my expense like the rest of you are probably doing while reading this. (All... 1 of you)
Thanks again for your help, everyone!
Crossposted... O: