Aug 19, 2006 06:25
Okay, here's the scoop. Things around here have been sort of stagnant for members and mod's alike. I want to get this fixed so that I'm not pleaing for participation every week! Soooo...
Co-Mods: I'm not sure what's happening with ownership of this community, but I believe I'm still head Co-Mod so I'm going to make some minor adjusments concerning rotation. (If I'm wrong please let me know!) Since we have no proper rotation anymore, I'd like to work on that so that all that wish to be involved can be. But before I figure all that out, however, I need to see who is actually still available to Co-Mod. So please leave a small comment here telling me whether or not you'd like to be put in the rotation. And please, if you can, give your comments on the questions asked in the members part as well! :)
Members: It's not a shock to anyone to say that participation had been consistently low. So I'd just like to have a little check-in to see what's up with you guys! Is it just because you are busy? (Obviously we all have lives outside this little world!) Or are the themes too unoriginal to spark any interest? Would you prefer that we make the challenges bi-weekly instead? Or shold we keep them the same? If you have any comments on these questions I would love to hear from you. And any theme suggestions would be great too!
Thanks for your time guys!