[Last Updated September 6th, 2007]
Ok, I've finally gotten my ass up of the ground and made a list of my resources.
Brushes, Patterns, and Textures
_excentric_ ,
77words ,
aaskie ,
arisubox ,
awmp ,
blimey_icons ,
candycrack ,
cauldroncake ,
chaoticfae ,
colortone ,
completeinstars ,
crumblingwalls ,
crystalkirk ,
dusty_memories ,
echoica ,
eightyfour__ ,
ewanism ,
fadingxmondays ,
gender ,
gravira ,
harmonious ,
haudvafra ,
houseforlife ,
icon_maiden ,
indeliblemark ,
irenic_icons ,
kekoah ,
kiho_chan ,
kristallsturm ,
la_bellevie ,
lifeisdolce ,
like_to_be_free ,
neckerchief ,
ohpaintbrush ,
pildas ,
rv_icons ,
silverlilian ,
slowlynow ,
smuffster ,
streetlightsss ,
the_justiner ,
the_seventhsign ,
tihana ,
vert_gazon ,
wash_when_dirty ,
xinstinctive ,
xsleepingswanx Sites
ColorfilterDesign FruitdeviantART [if your looking for a certain brush ask me, I just dont have time to put up all of them]
FeelHybrid GenesisImaginationImprintsJigsaw PuzzleMisplacedMoarghPapersweetsRain HarbourSecret LoftSquidfingersThe ButterflyThe Magic-Box Images
age fotostockcorbisdeviantART fan-sites (dot) orggettyimagesphotosight.ru [to understand where to go I suggest googling it and then translating it. un-censored nude photos here.]
stock.xchngsweetandtalented Actors/Actresses
Jensen Ackles:
Ackles GuideDesiring-JensenJensen Ackles Addiction Sophia Bush:
Sophia Bush FanSophia CentralStunning Screencaps
bentfire ,
brylyn1979 ,
dj43 ,
edele ,
killmotion ,
lutsplaygames ,
marishna ,
nightcomes ,
office_caps ,
snowflakie06 ,