
Dec 10, 2006 00:45


The wind blew through the desolate land, kicking dust up onto the air creating dark clouds obscuring his view of Midgar.

Not that he really cared, no. Midgar was an eyesore and he wouldn’t give a damn about it if it were destroyed. Only the people mattered to him, only his friends. He sat with his legs hung over the edge of the cliff, swinging them to and fro, feeling the cool metal blade of Zack’s buster sword against his back. Away from the problems. Away from the memories that hurt him so much. Sadness was the main core of his heart. He couldn’t even remember the last time he felt true happiness…

Cloud stopped himself. A certain Ex-SOLDIER flashed into his mind, smiling brightly and optimistically.

“Zack,” the wind tore the wind from his lips. How could he have forgotten him? At one point, Zack had been his life. He cast his gaze up towards the sky.

Could he admit it? From his days in Shin-Ra, he had always admired the SOLDIERs. He had always voiced that he wanted to be like Sephiroth, but perhaps that was just a ploy to hide what he truly felt? He didn’t want any of them to know where his true affections lie for fear that the one he felt admiration for would reject him

…was it just admiration?

No. It was infatuation. It was obsession. This love, this extreme want, grew so much that it festered in his heart. He wanted to run his fingers through the man’s black-blue hair, get lost in his eyes, taste his essence…He wanted Zack and only him, no one else could shake this intense passion burning in his heart.

But… how long has it been since his death? More that just a few years. To Cloud, it seemed like only yesterday that Zack was by his side. He cast his eyes down the cliff and over to the eye sore that was Midgar. Regret washed over him. Why hadn’t he told him earlier? Before all that happened with Shin-Ra… Oh, yeah. Zack had Aeries. No matter how hard he tried to conceal it, it sometimes slipped into his expression when she was still alive. He hated her. He loathed her so much…but yet, he couldn’t bring himself to harm her. Not when he could help it, anyway.

“She’s up there with you, isn’t she?” Cloud asked the sword as if it were actually him. “You’re happier now…”

Cloud fell back and peered up at the sky. The wind died do0wn, leaving only a gentle breeze. A whisper of memories. He closed his eyes.

“Love…Perhaps that’s what I felt?” he sighed and stood up, walking over to his motorcycle. He glanced back at the sword. “I guess I loved you…and still do…I miss you.”

Cloud mounted his motorcycle and sped off to the city he hated so much, back to the life that was meaningless to him.

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