A couple of years ago I put illustrated versions of Kipling's With The Night Mail and As Easy as A.B.C. on line, with some notes on their publication and variations.
http://www.forgottenfutures.com/game/ff1/nm-abc.pdf As Easy as A.B.C. was serialized over two issues of The London Magazine. At the time I said
The cover of the March [1912] issue was related to this story; unfortunately it was not included in the bound volume from which this was scanned. The illustration on the next page was originally a small photograph of a very battered copy of the magazine; I’ve corrected perspective etc. but couldn’t do much about its size. I don’t know if the April issue’s cover was relevant; any information would be welcome.
I've just found an image of the April issue's cover and it has nothing to do with Kipling, it's a bit of mawkish patriotism, a generic British soldier hugging the flag, so apologies to anyone who has actually tried to research this for me!
Later: Of course there is a sort of connection. Kipling wrote The Flag of Their Country (May 1899), one of the Stalky & Co. stories, which is basically an attack on unthinking flag-waving patriotism.
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