Two more RPG Bundle offers - Mutants and Masterminds

Aug 30, 2016 21:03

Two new bundle offers for Mutants and Masterminds, one of the better superhero RPG systems, based loosely on the D20 system. The first offer is a repeat of a March 2014 bundlewith the core rulebooks and early supplements. The second presents most of the more recent M&M 3E supplements.

Mutants and Masterminds 3E bundle

"This is the first of two offers now in progress featuring Mutants & Masterminds, the World's Greatest Superhero RPG from Green Ronin Publishing. This offer, M&M 3E, was originally presented in March 2014; it includes the rulebook and major supplements.

First published in 2002, M&M started as an OGL D20 product. Designer Steve Kenson (ICONS) creatively modified and expanded the D20 System to reflect the unique demands of a superhero game. Character generation, character advancement, damage, and saves are all different from the traditional D20 system.

And the superhero RPG that Green Ronin Publishing likes to call "the World's Greatest" is much more than a system. It offers two well-developed settings, Freedom City and Emerald City, and you can easily create your own setting, as many fans have already done -- including Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin, who licensed his Wild Cards shared-world fiction series (inspired, it's said, by Martin's own 1970s Superworld campaign) as an M&M RPG supplement series published by Green Ronin. You can even publish your own setting through Green Ronin's "Super-Powered by M&M" Trademark License, which allows third-party publishers to use "product identity" text. (Remember the OGL?)

We provide each ebook complete in .PDF (Portable Document Format). Like all Bundle of Holding titles, these books have NO DRM (Digital Restrictions Management), and our customers are entitled to move them freely among all their ereaders.

Ten percent of each purchase (after gateway fees) goes to this offer's designated charity, the Foynes Flying Boat & Maritime Museum. The Flying Boat Museum recalls that nostalgic era, 1937-45, when Foynes, Ireland became the center of the aviation world. The port of Foynes was the fulcrum for air traffic between the United States and Europe. The famous "flying boat" seaplanes carried a diverse range of people from celebrities to refugees. The Foynes Museum recalls this era with exhibitions, memorabilia, and a full-sized replica B314 flying boat. "I visited the museum in July and met its director," says Chris Pramas, a devoted World War II buff. "It's an interesting place dedicated to a unique part of aviation history." This applies to both of these offers.

The total retail value of the titles in this offer is US$76. Customers who pay just US$8.95 get all three titles in this offer's Starter Collection (retail value $38) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:
  • Mutants & Masterminds Deluxe Hero's Handbook (retail price $20): The full-color, 320-page Third Edition of the M&M rulebook, with all the game systems, a huge variety of powers, ready-to-play archetypes; introductions to the Emerald City and Freedom City settings, and two brand-new adventures.
  • M&M Gamemaster's Guide (retail $17.50): Guidelines for creating challenges for superheroes; how to help players create their characters; worldbuilding tips; and how to modify your game to suit your players' styles. This book works well for any superhero game.
  • The Sentinels (free): Presented as a convenience for our customers, this collection includes game stats for ten heroes who protect Emerald City. Use the Sentinels as ready-made player characters or as villains.
Those who pay more than the threshold (average) price, which is set at $17.95 to start, also get this offer's entire Bonus Collection with three more titles (retail value $38):
  • Threat Report (retail $16): Profiles of dozens of new supervillains who endanger Emerald City and the world.
  • M&M GM's Kit (retail $10): This 48-page booklet helps you quickly generate detailed player heroes and NPCs. Start with one of 20 archetypes, then roll through the tables, making the character ever more distinct and stylish.
  • Emerald City Knights Adventure Series (retail $10): This seven-chapter introductory campaign starts with the Silver Storm, a mysterious world-changing event. The Storm tears through Emerald City, leaving in its wake your super-powered player characters -- and new villains to test them.
Several of these titles include free character datafiles for use with the Hero Lab character creation program. The Hero Labs program isn't necessary to use these books -- but it's pretty cool.

M&M 3E Power Boost

This is the second of two offers now in progress featuring Mutants & Masterminds, the World's Greatest Superhero RPG from Green Ronin Publishing. The first offer, simply titled M&M 3E, was originally presented in March 2014; it includes the rulebook and major supplements. If you're new to the game, start there first. This all-new companion offer, M&M 3E Power Boost, presents many recent supplements that lift your game into the cosmos and beyond.

The total retail value of the titles in this offer at launch is US$91. Customers who pay just US$7.95 get all three titles in this offer's Starter Collection (retail value $36) as DRM-free .PDF ebooks:
  • Power Profiles (retail price $20): 700+ ready-to-use super-powers of 30 types, plus new power options, extras, flaws, and variants.
  • Gadget Guides (retail $16): Like Power Profiles, except for strange and wondrous devices.
  • Player's Guide to Emerald City (retail $10): A rain-soaked campaign city in the Pacific Northwest, transformed by the Silver Storm that unleashed a flood of new super-powered threats.
Those who pay more than the threshold (average) price, which is set at $18.95 to start, also get this offer's entire Bonus Collection with three more titles (retail value $45):
  • Secrets of Emerald City (retail $15): Continuing from the Player's Guide in the Starter Collection, this guide gives Gamemasters the down-and-dirty on the City of Destiny. Includes a full-color Emerald City poster map.
  • Cosmic Handbook (retail $15): Become a galactic guardian for the Star Knights, the Grue Unity, or the Primals themselves.
  • Supernatural Handbook (retail $15): Wage a secret war by night as part of ARCADE (the American Research Center for the Arcane Defense of Earth).
Several of these titles include free character datafiles for use with the Hero Lab character creation program.

There aren't any surprise extras this time around, but it looks to be pretty good value, and worth considering if you aren't already committed to another superhero system. Even if you are some of the books may be useful sources of ideas.

I think these are both pretty good offers, but as usual I have to point out that I get them free if I want them - YMMV.


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